View Full Version : Has there been a recall on Reloder19 that you know of?

Cal Sibley
07-23-2006, 09:18 PM
Last weekend I had 4 failures in a row in my 6mm Rem. I was using Rel-19 and RWS primers. When I checked the cases they all had reasonable sized dents in the primer. There was no noise at all, but when I checked the cases at home the powder in each case had been burned. I find that a bit strange. Anyone familiar with this? Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

Ol` Joe
07-24-2006, 02:34 AM
Have you tried contacting Alliant yet?
I burn lots of R19 in both of my 260s and 25-06 with no trouble to date. My supply is from a year or so ago though, not new stuff.

07-24-2006, 03:40 AM

did the bullets leave the barrel?

did you forget one row of cartridges in the loading block when you were charging cases? been there, done that.

got on the web site no recalls on rl-19.

i pulled a real boner one time, right after i got my first tumbler. forgot to inspect the flasholes and had media stuck in flasholes. you get this click and pffft when ya pull the trigger.

07-25-2006, 06:52 PM
Cal, I had a similar experience using H4831 in a 7mm magnum. I don't think it is the powder. My rifle made a click when I pulled the trigger at the rifle range and I figured the primer or firing pin was bad. When I extracted the case the powder spilled out into my magazine and shooting bench. I thought that the bullet was stuck in the rifleing. In fact the bullet was 6 inches deep into the barrel. I had to pound it out. The fellows to each side of me at the rifle range said they heard no pop or other indication that the primer had fired. The powder showed no indication of being burned but the bullet was stuck up the barrel. So I will leave it to the experts to tell be what happened. I have no explanation for it. The primer did fire but no ignition of the powder and that alone forced the bulled 6 inches up the barrel.

Cal Sibley
07-27-2006, 05:59 PM

When I returned home I pulled the bullets in order to reuse them.
The powder was burned but not consumed. That's wierd. I've never seen it in almost 40 years of reloading. The burned powder looked like small ashes that you'd get on your forehead on Ash Wednesday in church. It sure made a dirty mess of
my Quinetics bullet puller. I use the same RWS primers in other calibers, and they work nicely. I guess I'll never know. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal