View Full Version : Dakota Shotguns

07-27-2006, 04:32 PM
Give you guys a heads up. Dakota has decided to stop its O/U shotgun project at 70 guns total, including the samples. The officers and employees are keeping some guns and 62 have been released. Half of the guns are Grade III and half are Grade II. Two dealers split all of the guns, Gulf Breeze and One Spot. The guns are almost an exact copy of a Perazzi, they were made by Zoli for Dakota. They say Dakota Sport on the side.

The guns are selling at less than half retail and at less than half of the price of a Zoli. So if you want a Dakota shotgun or a good quality $9,000 gun for a great price.....

Look at Guns America, Dakota Rifes, page 3. The bottom gun is a II and the top gun with the quail is a III. They are mislabled as a I & II at the top.