View Full Version : A Skinny Subject

Mil Dot
07-29-2006, 08:40 AM
I was recently up in Wisconsin for a wedding at my brothers' and while driving out to his farm a pudgy, little animal ran across the road. Wood Chuck. So, of course, upon arrive at the house I'm asking about locations and local temperment on the subject. I've never shot skinnies and my question is this... How the heck do you see these little guys in all this vegatation? Do you scout for holes and set up and wait? Fence rows and brush piles? Basically, How to successfully set up for these fellas?

It may be a while before I'm back there, but planning never hurt anyone.

Thanks Mil Dot

07-29-2006, 09:01 AM
The idea is to get them shot up as much as possible before the crops (soybeans or clover) get too high to see them. If not, wait until the first cut of hay is off, and you'll have more chucks to shoot, and be able to see them. If you can't do this, find a few holes, and set up in an elevated position overlooking said holes if possible. If not, get to a point where you can cover the holes if they come out. Good luck!
