View Full Version : First bowfishing trip

07-29-2006, 09:01 PM
On an invite from my friend Dusty I went on my first bowfishing trip last night. Dusty swung by the house here yesterday evening picked me up and we headed over to his house to get ready. First thing I see is Dusty's boat all rigged out with a nice new platform, lights room for a generator, and trashcan for our trash fish.

We got to the river just before dark and worked our way upriver through a couple of shallows until Dusty said ok lets fish. I stayed on the camera while Dusty shot the first round and I quickly figured out this was a target rich enviroment. Very little time between shooting lots of gars carp and catfish.

After Dusty got his fill of shooting and reeling we switched up and I shot his bow. I had mine rigged but after seeing his ams reel work I said forget this Im using your rig. So I took my first shot at a big ole spotted gar just a minute into holding the bow. I missed but took not of by how much and took that into account on the next shot at a small carp about 2 lbs. Waxed him right through the noggin! I shot a few more and missed a bunch more and we continued on down the river. Nearing the end of my turn on the bow Dusty swings us into a littl cut and says get ready there should be huge cats in here. Before I could stop fumbling with the equipment here comes five or six 30 lb + cats swimming by the boat 5 yards out. I took a last minute poke but shot under one of them.

We eased back out to the main river channel and Dusty got back on the bow me on the camera. Bout that time we eased over some of the shallows and Dusty went on a killing spree! We got several real quick shots on video including the biggest gar of the night, a great blue cat, and a 25 lb + carp.










07-30-2006, 10:48 PM
Looks like you had a great night out. I hope to do the same someday, but my boat is not rigged for night shooting and I dont know anyone that does any bow fishing. Thanks for the pics.
