View Full Version : .32 long

08-04-2006, 08:53 AM
My son has a .32 LONG rifle, I was checking in the Reloading Bench and Rocky Raab, informed me that if it was a centerfire, there are cartridges available, even though expensive, and if a rimfire, that cartridge was completely extinct. Well, I went home last night and dug the rifle out, my son got married about 3 years ago and moved out, leaving this rifle in a safe place at my house.

Anyway, He has a rifle that the cartridges are completely extinct, here's a descrition of the rifle, which appears to be in good shape and shootable, only if there were cartridges :( :mad: I would have liked to have shot it, but it appears that will never happen since no cartridges are available.:(


The rifle appears to be a youth model, rolling block, 32 LONG
rimfire rifle.There is a large screw that can be remvoed by hand, at bottom in front of receiver, which can be unscrewed and the barrel removed. On the left side of barrel, near the rear sight is"32-LONG" on the othe side "J Stevens Arms & Tool Co."
"Chicopee Falls, Mass. U.S.A." on the flang from the receiver to
the shoulder stock is " Model 1915 ", on the underneath flange is what appears to be serial number " Z 478 "
On top of the receiver is " Trade Mark FAVORITE "

Front blade sight, on the right side of blade sight is " SHEARD # 11 " on left side of blade sight is " Marble"

The rifle appears in great shape, everthing appears to fit nicely, no loose rattling, there a few dings in the wood but overall, it's in great shape and I wouldn't be afraid to shoot it, only if I had cartridges !:mad:

Can anybody give me any history of this rifle? value ? More intrested in the history, since I can't shoot it. A gun to me is not a gun unless you can shoot it ? Is there anyway to change over to center fire ?:confused: :rolleyes:

Rocky Raab
08-04-2006, 10:48 AM
My current Blue Book says that the favorite was made from 1894-1935, in model numbers 17 through 29. I don't have any reference to a "Model 1915" but suspect that that might be the manufacturing date instead. Just guessing there.

The Favorite was made in .22LR, .25RF and .32RF with a 24-inch barrel most common but other lengths available. Octagonal barrels command a 33% premium over the numbers below:

100% condition (as unfired) $450
98% $395
95% $300
90% $195
80% $165
70% $145
60% $125

Hope this helps.

Rocky Raab
08-04-2006, 11:06 AM
Oh, I just ran a search. Not even The Old Western Scrounger has 32 rimfire ammo.

As an interesting sidenote, there were once the following 32 rimfire rounds made in the U.S.:

32 Extra Short
32 Short
32 Long
32 Long Rifle
32 Extra Long

The 32 Long was originally a revolver round before later being chambered in rifles, including the Stevens. It used a slightly heavier bullet than the 32 Short, carrying a 90-gr bullet over 12 to 13 grains of blackpowder. Very popular as a small game round because it did not destroy meat, it had a maximum accurate range of about 50 yards.

Supposedly, Navy Arms Co had some of this ammo made for them in Brazil in about 1990, but it is long gone.

08-04-2006, 01:21 PM
Thanks Rocky Raab, you enlighten me alot on this gun,(history and value ) I'll pass this information on to my son

Rocky Raab
08-04-2006, 01:29 PM
One final note. Stevens is one of the gun companies that will provide a letter of authentication for its guns (if the information is known).

The cost is only $15, so its a bargain, and adds a great deal to any collector value.

Write to:

John Callahan
53 Old Quarry Rd
Westfield, MA 01085

Include as much info and description as you can, plu s a photo or two of significant markings.

09-01-2006, 02:50 PM
looks like if you keep your eyes open here you may find a couple boxes http://homesteadfirearms.com/cgi-bin/cart/Ammunition.htm

albiet expensive, you still might be able to shoot the old gal a few times for fun

Mickey Rat
11-26-2006, 08:40 PM

Old Western Scrounge has 32 Long rimfire ammo for 34.95/50 available now. Buy some before it runs out. Navy Army manufacture.