View Full Version : TGIF so I can shoot in the morning !!
08-04-2006, 06:05 PM
Gear is all loaded, up at 5:30am tomorrow, be at the range shooting by 7:00am.
Taking a .45cal Flintlock, 50 Hornady .440's, steel hanger at 50yds, sitting in a little chair simulating a treestand...home in the "relatively" cool garage by 10:00am before the heat & humidity get about the dog days of summer, it's been terrible here in central North Carolina lately
08-05-2006, 02:52 AM
Mornin roundball
It's been 80+ here by 7 am, and humid as heck, I haven't fired my weapon in 2 weeks. Have a good, fun and safe day,,
08-05-2006, 01:42 PM
Man, it was great...beautiful morning with a dark red ball of a sun coming up on the horizon...saw a couple deer, then a flock of turkeys...make some smoke...the only thing better is if it's cooler and you're dragging out a deer !!
08-05-2006, 05:25 PM
Good to hear. That's when I've been doing my shooting too...right around daylight and shortly thereafter. BTW...35 more days til our muzzleloading season. ;)
08-05-2006, 05:57 PM
Ours starts early October in the Eastern third of the state...I have a little patch of state gamelands I can hunt but I'll be going after squirrels with a Flint smoothbore for something it's such a long walk back in there if I shot a deer I'd never be able to drag it out anyway...squirrels I can carry!!
My main deer hunting is on a farm in the Central zone, starts early November and I take 2 weeks vacation to hunt the rut hard every day.
Yours opens pretty eary, mid September I take it...hope you have some good hunts
08-05-2006, 08:00 PM
Yep...ours is pretty early...Sept. 9 - Sept. 22. Been shooting a few rabbits and squirrels myself with the new rifle. Having a .40 flintlock southern longrifle being built for me. Hope it can see some action during muzzleloading season. Gonna be close.
Adam Helmer
08-06-2006, 01:56 PM
Very Good Post! Since I retired in 1996, I forgot about the TGIF Scenario. On Friday mornings in the office, I would jot down my Saturday morning FO (Firing Order) of which guns I would fire, the loads I would test, etc.
Next day, I was the first guy at the gun club. I had my targets up, guns ready at my bench and then I shot all Saturday morning. I cleaned the guns at home, then mowed the lawn, split wood and fixed stuff etc. Sunday morning I went to church, reloaded Sunday afternoon and then it was "work my way through the week again" until TGIF.
Thanks for reminding me there is LIFE after retirement. Be well.
08-06-2006, 02:43 PM
Got about 5 years to go before I can join you !
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