View Full Version : Bull Barrel for 10-22

08-06-2006, 11:09 AM
I posted this in the rifle forum, but probably should have put this in the rimfire forum.

I was wondering if any of you have had any experience with the Fajen Bull barrels and stocks? Are they any good? What other Bull Barrels are a good choice for my 10-22?


08-06-2006, 11:42 AM
I bought a Fluted SS Bull Green Mountain, and it has performed very well.

Volquartsen are a bit more money, but very good as well.

I do also hear good things about the Fajen goods, but have no experience with it.

08-12-2006, 01:35 AM
Hey Capt.,
What kind of groups does it shoot at 50 yards?

08-12-2006, 02:56 AM
I bought the SS Green Mountain barrel without the fluting and I really like it compared to my old Butler Creek piece of crapola. I shoot about 1" to 1.5" with the new barrel at 50 yards. That is quite acceptable to me since the Butler Creek was shooting 5" on a good day. Plus, my shooting with the new barrel has been done off of a bipod with no rear rest for the stock, so I haven't been completely steady with the gun.

08-12-2006, 03:30 PM
.5-1" with the right ammo :D:D

08-12-2006, 11:12 PM
Captain, you just had to one up me didn't you. When I get time, I'll have to see exactly what the new rifle can do at 50 yards with the proper rest.

08-13-2006, 12:12 AM
So far of the stuff I have shot I got the best results with really cheapo wally world garbage! LOL!!!

I'd like to see what it can do with some Wolf MT.

12-07-2006, 05:59 PM
I never had much luck with a 10/22 (have tried to bed them and float the barrels as well as other tricks). However a friend sent me a Valquartzen trigger and barrel kit along with Hougue stock and his standard 10/22 to fit it all to.

I had to drive the barrel into the receiver with a rubber mallet! It was a little scarry because I did not know how I was going to get it out if it didn't go in all the way. Fortunately it did.

To my surprise this thing shot MOA at 50 yards (1/2" groups) with RWS Subsonic HP ammo. Qute a squirrel getter.

It certainly aint a Win. 52 but it sure beats any of my own 10/22s.

Havent tried the other barrels on the market so I cannot say.


12-25-2008, 03:21 PM
ive got a 16.5 green mtn fluted tube on my 10/22 itl put 50rds into an inch at 50yds. i thought this was impressive till i bought my wife a 10/22 and in stock ruger form its does dang near the same thing with a cheap bsa red dot sight. and my 10/22 has weaver v-16.

that kinda made me scratch my head cause ive done trigger and bedded a laminated stock in the one i built up.

latly i shoot the factory 10/22 with dot sight way more. realy no sence in packn a heavy barrel and big glass around when a light weight package will do the same and not have the acasional stove pipe.

but i do feel the green mtn was an improve ment over the facotry barrel it replaced. buy alot. it replaced rugers factory hammer forged heavy barrel. now that thing was junk

01-31-2009, 09:28 AM
I have a Butler Creek that shoots real well with the right ammo. An excellant squrrel gun, but won`t make compation bench shooting. I see Fabs. got a bad one :confused: maybe it just the luck of the draw.