View Full Version : Another attempt by Islamic Terrorists

08-10-2006, 05:45 PM
I think most have seen the news today. Its pretty important, for the fact that the Brits, Paki's and US thwarted a major Islamic terrorist plot
It's also important for the fact that massive disruption of our lives, and a major hit on the economy has occured. Even if Al Quida is stopped, just the attempt is an economic disaster for us.
Funny thing is how many folks still just don't understand that this is not a 'war on terror', its a war on Islamic radicals.
I have taken to calling these folks "IslamoKazies"

08-10-2006, 05:50 PM
People WILL NOT LEARN. I heard somebody this morning on the radio who called in claiming that this was because the US went into Iraq. That dog won't hunt.

Its a religious war wether or not the aethist extremeists want to admit it or not.


08-10-2006, 06:31 PM

we have been inviting this behavior for a lot of years. the usa does less to protect it's borders and it 's natural resources than any country on earth. our dams and power stations, unguarded. our banks and centers of commerce, unguarded. i could go on and on.

since ww2 we have this attitude we are invincible and no body would dare attack us. a little clue, we are no longer king s#(% of turd island anymore. that was proven on 9/11.

and if you have one little doubt the muslims in this country are peaceful you still believe in santa and the tooth fairy. when terrorist cells are strong enough in this country the peaceful muslims will join right in to the foray. if they don't they will be beheaded just like us infidels.

right after the potus said following 9/11, these are a peaceful people, refering to the muslims in the us, i almost threw up on the floor. peaceful my a$$. they will slit your throat in a heart beat when the time is right.

i got a charge out of the news this morning about the foiled plot on airliners. people moaning and groaning about their bag searches. well boo, hoo, hoo. if i was in charge their would be no, thats capital no, electronic devices brought on board an aircraft. that includes cell phones, computers and etc.

and the next best thing to do would be for the tsa to hire some educated baggage screeners that aren't ate up with their own self existence. those people act like their breath doesn't stink.

ok, rant mode off. my finger and thumb are tired of typing for the moment. that doesn't mean i won't be back. i'm like a bad cold i just hang on. :(

08-11-2006, 05:54 AM
I don't know, maybe we best get elected one of the tough Presidents like some of the past...one that is Pres of America and not the world...I can understand how the world issues work with wanting to trade/help in need other spots of the world but it is time now...(since most don't like americans anymore)....that we just say we are bringing our troops home to protect America...If you arent already an American citizen, you won't get welcomed here at the border..times have changed and others around the world has changed them for us.....in other words keep our noses home..we could put lots of people to work here making the things we have to import...(walmart items...steel...etc...).....these people arent terrorists..they are murders of civilians...now this attempt has been halted, those caught should be tried for attempted murder....they can be dealt with bye locking them away in the middle of the desert somewhere.. with a button they can feel free to push at anytime...they want to die anyhow...we need to tell others around the globe that if anyone knows of anyone trying to invade/blow something up here they best police their own ranks and take them out of the picture because if not and we find out where they came from, we will wipe them all....civilians or not from the face of the earth..(that is what should have been done back in the 911 days but then we did have to give at least one warning first...that would sure make me point the finger to my neighbor that is building a bomb...there is just plain and simple too many out there in this America that are just "hurray for me and f*%* you") fill my pockets with $$..we are way too soft and way past due to get tuff....we need to elect people to run this Country for a change...so anyone with the attitude like the old gov of minn....step up to bat...probably would get in office..

We have let them into this Country to work on the 'war without-weakness within' theory...we have let them not only close down our steel mills but let them take them down to the ground..how in the heck we going to build war items like jets,tanks etc if needed again like WWII?...it is a plot the wolf in sheep clothing (polititions) has schemed up..they have infiltrated our ranks...and one of the biggest problems and destructive clans we have is the EPA...the reason for most of the mill closings to begin with..too many rules and regs..if they were doing such a great job of cleaning up the air we breath, I wouldn't have a nuke plant growing on the banks of one of the largest rivers in America just one town away...I would have a hydro plant..which by the way they did build one right in my home town..but sell the electric to outsiders..see, the $$$ is what it is all about..we need the smog too to protect us from the global warming...cut out all the new malls,parking lots,tooftops of housing plans...it is warmer in the city than in the country for a reason and you can't say this has no effect on the temp..my snow melts on it's own while I have to drive to the country and shovel snow for others.

WOW my list got out of hand here...I guess some call it rants so this has to be one of those..I just can't sit anymore and watch as the world goes away...

M.T. Pockets
08-11-2006, 08:49 AM
Did anybody hear on the news the day before yesterday about Jet Blue Airlines getting sued because they refused to hire a Pakistani pilot ? They thought it would be bad for business.

I say, Good for them. I for one, would be pretty uncomfortable with a Pakistani at the stick on an airplane I was on. I don't even feel too comfortable when I get in a cab with one, they look at you like they'd like to kill you "you infidel".

I belong to a ELCA Lutheran church and twice in the last two years I've heard about how we have to understand our "Peace loving Muslem Brothers". Well you know what, it wasn't a bunch of Protestants or Catholics that hi-jacked those planes on 9/11. I'm just glad that 8/10 didn't become another date we all remember. Hat's off to the authorities that busted them.

08-11-2006, 01:37 PM
I agree with what everyone on this forum has stated so far, I feel that Americans are to soft on Terrorist. What SHOULD happen, is give them a preliminary hearing to these bomb plottist, if probable cause is found, load all them up in an old C-47, pack their seat with C-4,chain them to the floor, have a pilot fly them out over the ocean, tie the controls so the plane flies in circles, have pilot bail out, pick him up, come back base. Then give them what they wanted, Blow the C-47 out of the sky, GIVE THEM EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE,----
minus the innocent civilians. We wouldn't waste money on trials, appeals, and keeping them the rest of their natural lives, because you sure a h*@# can't reform them.

Tall Shadow
08-11-2006, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by larryours
I agree with what everyone on this forum has stated so far, I feel that Americans are to soft on Terrorist. What SHOULD happen, is give them a preliminary hearing to these bomb plottist, if probable cause is found, load all them up in an old C-47, pack their seat with C-4,chain them to the floor, have a pilot fly them out over the ocean, tie the controls so the plane flies in circles, have pilot bail out, pick him up, come back base. Then give them what they wanted, Blow the C-47 out of the sky, GIVE THEM EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE,----
minus the innocent civilians. We wouldn't waste money on trials, appeals, and keeping them the rest of their natural lives, because you sure a h*@# can't reform them.

Now larryours, Why would you want to destroy a big old beautiful aircraft like a C-47? ;)

But honestly, the idea that We need to be the "Good guys" in Our treatment of such barbarians, is silly at best. The "PC'ing" of this (or any other) war is going to do nothing to improve our "Image" in the world's eyes. Wars are not won by "Peaceful negotiation(s), but by one side destroying the will to fight, or defeating the other sides ability to fight anymore.....ALWAYS WAS, ALWAYS WILL BE! Never has there been a true, lasting peace based on negotiations, or treaties.... go ahead, check history.....I'll Wait.....

As far as the "Keep our noses within Our borders!" You are way, way too late for that line of thinking....
Basically, we can fight them here, or we can fight them there....You choose. Me, I'm not ready to live like the Israelis have to....More importantly, I'm not ready to have my kids/wife have to.... Kill them there..Kill them all...Opps! That's not very "PC" of me...Is it!?!?

Tall Shadow

08-11-2006, 05:02 PM
Here's the deal, let's just do what they fear the most, when they are caught, cut their hair, shave the ugly dopes, stuff their butt full of pig fat and blow them up in a Mosque... loudly! No virgins, no heaven, no praise for what they did, just the whole world happier that a few terrorists hit the dirt.

And PLEASE... let the Isrealis alone. Don't mess with their little war. They are the only people on the planet who is willing to flip the Muslim jerks off and take care of business.

The answer to Al Queda, Hezzbolah and Hamas is simple. The US gives Israel $US2,000,000,000 that's two billion dollars each year in subsidies and we take it back by being able to dictate what they do. Keep the money... and keep our mouth shut. Let them make the money back by taking what they want! Every rag head POS on the planet had better start learning Hebrew because in a few months if they haven't changed over to peaceful and loving jews they will be dead... perfect answer, no cost to the US or the EU, no dead American soldiers, the UN can go to hell and NOW! Just let the Israelis take care of business. First things first, they will immediately take back the west bank and the Gaza Strip. Just push the Palestinians into the Med and forget the turds ever existed. Push the Syrians and other rags into the dead sea (appropriate don't ya think) and then start back with Lebanon, then Syria, then the Iranians will suddenly loose interest in their nuclear program and go to being honest farmers, the shiites, sunnis, and whatever muslims can become Christian, Jewish or just die... who cares? Isreal owns the middle east and the oil and we have a better deal than with OPEC and a bunch of ragheads that hate us.

Cut off all the terrorist countries, no more oil, no more subsidies, no more American help of any kind, you just get to starve to death in the dark. We don't care.

The US gets oil for a fair price from business men that can be trusted and the world progresses well into the 21st Century in peace, brought on by G-d's chosen people from their tiny little country that they have fought for since the day it was formed... good for them.

Gadzooks this is great, while we're at it include Ted Kennedy, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Shummer and the Hildebeast in those we blow up in Mosques and the world will have taken a big step toward worldwide democracy.

08-11-2006, 11:32 PM
OH for sure fight them there and not here...but...aren't we getting involved with them here now?....That is why I say bring all home and put out the word if they bother us within our borders, we will not just do the PC war but flat out remove them from the planet. Will this start the Nuke thing?...maybe but we are headed in that direction anyhow...yea we need to start over with our government.....bye the way, didn't we turn against England because of all their taxes etc etc?....Well G washington was English and he was the first to impose a tax on the little guys...and we all know what happened from there....so how did he get elected?

08-12-2006, 07:08 AM
George Washington was NOT English. He was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia and, in fact, never even visited England.

He was elected President by the Electoral College after the constitution was ratified in 1787 and reelected in the more modern fashion for a second term by the people. At that time there was no term limit, it was Washington who decided that two terms was enough for him.

The Electoral College was formed due to the fact that the members of congress didn't think that the citizens of our new country were bright enough, nor informed enough to make decisions as important as electing the President... obviously we need to keep the electoral college just-in-case the Damocraps get lucky again. In case you were not aware of it, the members of the electoral college do NOT have to vote the same way the people vote... once again underlining the foresight of our forefathers.

08-12-2006, 08:49 PM
yes born 2/22 in virginia. Was the first born son of Augustine's 2nd marriage. His mother was Mary Ball of Epping Forest of North East London..so this makes him of English ancestory in my book.

.although he was of virginia he worked along side British Major General Braddock (commander in chief of the British forces of all North America)who was from England. Washington was one of his aids from the Colonies. After Washingtons defeat at fort necessity,pa he took his british troops back to Williamsburg while the French that defeted them at the fort enjoyed the British retreat and used this point to attack the Indians....During this battle is when Braddock was wounded and burried a mile from the Now Fort Necessity on Braddocks trail as is known...

So ok he was from Virginia but worked for and along side the British back in those days..was even an aid to the most powerfull british commander.....and like stated...mother was from North London, England......guess this makes him .......french???
and he did impose the first tax on the citizens in order to gather money to carry out his goals as our 1st Pres of this great America...

08-12-2006, 08:59 PM
I see you are from Texas and if you ever get a chance to come this way to Western Pennsylvania, be sure to stop at Fort Necessity...a very interesting place....and at Logstown where is now a Sheets store where the fort along the ohio river once stood..You can also travel Braddocks trail that winds through some nice back roads only a mile or so from my house and read those historical notes they have posted everywhere...Pa is full of very interesting history..lots of it right here in my local....Of my wifes ancestory was one of the last white men killed by the indians while he was plowing his fields..that also was close to the most south west corner of Pa...Recommended reading...a movie just filmed in the field next to my inlaws and based on a true civil war story of Dog Jack....
My wifes history has been traced back to the Mayflower..Aunt/Uncle were on one of the ships...had son born on way over and he was adopted upon getting here because they m/d both died.....I tease her though about were they on top of the ship or manning the oars....

08-13-2006, 05:14 AM
Please get it right if you choose to speak

08-13-2006, 09:57 AM
"didn't we turn against England because of all their taxes etc etc?....Well G washington was English and he was the first to impose a tax on the little guys...and we all know what happened from there....so how did he get elected?"


Better go back to your history class! :)

We did not rebel because fo the taxes. Those were only a symptom, not the root cause of the rebellion. It was a host of things that casued the rebellion. Read the Declaration of Independence for a more complete compendium or the reasons. The overriding reason seems to be a lack of voice in the government.

George Washignton was not English. He was a Virginian and an English subject. The actions that you mentioned were the right and proper services he rendered to his monarch at the time of the 7 Years war. Many of the other Founding Fathers and Revolutionary War leaders renedered similar service either in that war or at other times before 1775.

I believe taxes were first imposed on the "little guy" by the Congress under the Articles of Confederation. George Washington's service as President arose under the Constitution and he was sworn in during 1789. Shay's Rebellion occurred in 1786 and 1787.

Sorry buddy, but your discontent is misplaced on this one.


08-13-2006, 09:16 PM
Well seems here that since I forgot to list each and every reason for wanting to seperate from England and only mentioned the tax part of it, you'll have to excues me as to where I was going here. I did answer when we first got started in taxing the citizens which is where I was going in the first place...I was saying it happened under Washingtons watch and you will have to excuse me for not listing all those involved in making it law...after all don't the presidents get credit for things congress pass during his watch?...I was born in America and am American same as he was but what is my family ancestory? He was born in Virginia....an American....I am of German ancestory and he was of English ancestory...if you read what I said, that is what I was getting at...I never said he was born in England..and in fact the only place he visited outside the States was the West Indies...and I was stating facts that he worked for the British and not the French...So if he was of French ancestory, would he have sided with the French instead?....so where did I get my history wrong?...My post wasn't to list all the reasons for the break from English rule. I only mentioned one thing that was kept as an English tradition..taxes....again, where was my history wrong when saying he was of English ancestory?...after all his mother was born in London England...so the question is don't you here speak of being Italian, German, English, Indian, Irish or where ever your forefathers came from when asked the question where did your blood originate?...Most are proud to say they are Italian, German, English, Irish or what ever...
My information has been taken from Washingtons bio, family history, military history and history while President...guess I better quit writing here and contact those historians that wrote those facts and let them know they don't know what they are talking about. and again those of you that know all the facts, please excuse my poor history information.

08-13-2006, 09:25 PM

08-14-2006, 05:16 AM
"I did answer when we first got started in taxing the citizens which is where I was going in the first place...I was saying it happened under Washingtons watch and you will have to excuse me for not listing all those involved in making it law...after all don't the presidents get credit for things congress pass during his watch?"

To make it quite simple, Washington was NOT president when our first government imposed a tax on the "little guy". Please read about Shay's Rebellion. That was over taxes. The time frames are in my previous post. It wasn't "on his watch" it was before "his watch".
I was stating facts that he worked for the British and not the French...So if he was of French ancestory, would he have sided with the French instead?....so where did I get my history wrong?...

Well, Skeeter, he rendered service to his sovreign in the 7 Years War. He was, as was everyone else born in the Colonies at that time, a British Subject. That's one of the reasons that he served the Crown as a member of the Virginia Militia. One could also say quite correctly that he served Virginia in defendeing her western frontier against attack by the French and Indians.

If he wer of French ancestery but born and reared in Virginia and living there at the time of the 7 Year's War, I suspect that much the same would have occurred. He'd have served the Crown as a member of the local Militia.


08-14-2006, 08:12 AM
Very interesting Hawk....thanks for the replies.....

08-14-2006, 09:43 AM
I agree on the Isrealies. Stay the heck outa it unless they WANT our help. As far as I am concerned the hexbullsha* need to be be taught a lesson for jumping on Isreal so let the Isrealies teach them that lesson and stay outa it. Sheesh we aren't the worlds keepers, and the Isrealies SHOULD be ticked and going to war.

ANYWAY back to work. . . . . .
