View Full Version : 38 super

08-10-2006, 05:55 PM
it's too hot to play outside so i'm sitting here in front of the screen with drool running down my chin and had a "brainstorm". just kidding about the slackjaw syndrome. i was out earlier, but even the gophers said screw this and went back down their hole for some relief from the heat.

back to the task at hand.

has anyone of you tried to duplicate the model 52 s&w wadcutter loads in a 38 super?

my gun: 38 super, springfield armory circa 1990, clark ramped barrel, fully supported chamber of course, marvel 3 chamber comp, videki trigger. and all the regular bells and whistles to make a custom pistol.

my idea, use 148>150 gr wancutters, bevel based, in traditional w/c and single w/c. i'll just resize them to fit my barrel.

i plan on using a fast powder, probly bullseye.

any ideas on load data? would help. i hope rocky reads this. but i'm sure some of the rest of you may have dawdled in this area also.

thanks for any help. and yes they rounds will feed in my gun. i built some dummies and checked. now what they will doo when i actually fire is anybodys guess. :eek:

08-10-2006, 07:30 PM
Billy, I tried that at least 10 yrs ago with a good shooting 38 super but didn't get the results i wanted. You may be better able to do the deed. I didn't have the patience. I may not have found the right bullet or the right size. My best results came with 231 Winchester(Also known As HP 38). Hot down here in N Wyoming too. Got coyotes coming out my ears too. No fun hunting them in 99 degree stuff

08-10-2006, 07:53 PM
thanks skeet. what was your bullet and charge weight?


08-10-2006, 10:44 PM
Fast powders won't power the comp well.

08-11-2006, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Lycanthrope
Fast powders won't power the comp well.

thanks, i was wondering about that. well i can always take it off, it's a screw on one. and i have a cap i made for it.