View Full Version : Back from WV!

08-16-2006, 10:00 AM
I also posted this in my "Attention West Virginia Members..." thread, but wanted to put it in a new one so it wouldn't be missed:

Well, I'm back, and I had a GREAT vacation with my family! Among the many things we did, the fishing was awesome! Thank you very much rubicon and larry for your recommendations and advice. I fished with my kids aling the Blackwater off that road out of Davis, now in the Canaan Valley Institute land. We caught a few rainbows, but mostly rock bass and bluegills, which was just fine for the kids. We didn't fish at Blackwater Falls State Park, nor did I fish the canyon, but I did fish by myself in what I believe is Grady Creek just south of Dry Fork on route 32. I waded and fished the same 100 yard section of that creek three times last week on three separate days, and limited-out each time on rainbows, with a couple beautiful golden rainbows in the mix as well. Size was not especially noteworthy, about 10-14 inches average, but lots of fun, and good eating for Friday night's dinner.

I do have a story, however, of the one that got away, though well after I had it. I caught a beautiful 20-inch rainbow on Sunday, our first full day on vacation. I took a picture of it, fortunately. As I was outside filleting it, my 2.5 year old son fell on the steps leading up to our cabin, and got a big goose egg on his forehead above his right eye. Long story short, he is OK and just fine, no problems or lasting damage, though his eyelid is still a little purple. Anyway, I left my fish to go inside and help my son, and my wife too who, as any mother would be, was more than upset at my son's mishap. After about 10 minutes or so, I was cleared to go back outside and finish cleaning the fish. I was shocked and very disappointed to see that the fish was gone! I looked all over for it, but couldn't find it. I did notice later in the week a few cats milling around from an adjacent property, so putting 2+2 together, I guess some cat or cats had a tasty meal. Oh well, at least I have a story to tell!

Anyway, thanks again, guys. It was some great fishing!

08-16-2006, 04:43 PM
Glad you had fun up in our redneck teritory.Been wondering how your trip was. Now that you know where some of the fishing holes are give it a try in the early spring or in late fall. In the fall the hatchery clears out their excess brooder trout and stocks them. They are really some nice fish. The ones you caught are probably left over from spring stocking and are usually harder to catch so you did good. In my youth all that land was open to the public for hunting, fishing, camping. but times they are a changing. I wish I had a dollar fore every time I bicycled up the Blackwater River Road fishing.The Canaan Valley Institute was created to be a buffer between the environmentalists and the locals. Thank goodness they didnt close off the land they have been purchasing.
Did you see the falls and the canyon?

08-16-2006, 11:59 PM
How about posting a pic of that trout. I didn't believe Rubicon when he told me that the fishing was pretty good in WV. LOL

08-17-2006, 07:34 AM
Alas, my wife and I have not yet gone completely digital, so once we develop our 35 mm film (sounds archaic anymore), I'll post some pics.

Yes, we saw the falls and canyon. Very cool!

08-17-2006, 09:53 AM
Duffy, glad that you had a good vacation. If you want some great fishing for trout try early spring, say middle March, thru May.
Fall is okay, from middle October thru winter. Mostly fall stockings,around time of squirrel season, but the best time is early spring, get away from beaten path, do some walking along streams, you'll find some good trout fishing, but you will have to burn some shoe leather:D

08-17-2006, 05:22 PM
Duffy , now that Larry and I have you broken in we can point you to some real hardcore streams, some with native brooke or rainbow trout ( these are obviously not near the highways).
AND FABS- you doubted me???????????????????????????????

08-18-2006, 07:46 AM
Hey, I'm a believer! Not sure when I'll return, but I'll be sure to get with you guys again.

08-18-2006, 09:10 AM
I'm headed out tomrrow morning to do some scouting for bow season, taking my snake boots, got wind of a native trout stream, only problem, the rattlesnakes are bigger than the trout.
Don't like snakes, never have, never will, but I do love the peacefulness of a native brook trout stream:D