View Full Version : The time is almost here...

08-24-2006, 02:02 PM
Dove hunting starts this next weekend and the seasons for other critters open periodically after that. Is everyone geared up for all their hunting? What's everyone going to hunt for first?

08-24-2006, 03:18 PM
must hunt bushytailed treerats. . . . . . . . . . must hunt beadyeyed chatterdemons. . . . . . . . . . . .


What else is there to look forward to? Squirrel. Sheesh. Ya don't gotta get dressed up. Ya don't gotta own a 3 1/2 inch over under semi bolt 3gazillion super ultra meganormous mangleum. Ya don't gotta pour another livin critters pee all over yer boots. Ya don't gotta try ta sexually intise them by blowin er scratchin nuttin. . . . and ya don't gotta climb a tree stand overlookin 3.9 billion acres of preplanted, farmed, plowed, and genetically engineered nuttin while wearin a seatbelt a safety harness, and enough blaze orange camo that ya look like a walkin nuclur deesaster. . . . .

Don't it make ya proud ta hunt somethin so humble that ya don't need none of that, that havin any of that wont give ya the slightest hint o advantage, and that will STILL manage ta outsmart ya half the time? Who woulda thunk that one of the stupidest critters on the face of the planet could outsmart ya and still taste good fried. . . . .

:D Come on October 1st! :D


08-24-2006, 07:38 PM

Squirrels don't seem too hard to kill while I am sitting in my deer stand and they are crawling all over the place. One time, they pissed me off so much that I went to the truck and got some duck shells to use on them, and then thought better about it while the fully rifled barrel I was using.

Oh yeah, there happens to be a lot more meat in a whitetail, and last checked, squirrels were in the rodent family. Plenty more to hunt than squirrels.

You can also hunt waterfowl and deer without camo if you prefer. People used to do it all the time. Camo just gives us an advantage. By the way, I hope you took the above in jest, because that is how it was meant. I have done some squirrel hunting of my own on some slow waterfowlin mornings, but I have never eaten one.

08-24-2006, 09:09 PM
gob and fabs

i'm still laughing.

the first year i bow hunted i had this dadgumed squirrel two trees over sitting their chattering at me. he finally got me so upset i took a shot at him. missed him by about an inch, but he shut up.....for a couple of minutes, then started in again. took another shot, closer but no cigar. he got the idea and shut up......again.

then he starts in again. took another shot. sob. i guess he had enough fun for one day and he up and left. i looked skyward and thank the lord.

now i'm sitting there in total silence contemplating the world situation and realized something. i now had there arrows, about $12 stuck in a tree i had no way of climbing up to. double sob.

i felt soooooo intelligent.

Dan Morris
08-24-2006, 09:11 PM
Gonna go out east of Denver on Friday and hunt a guys small place. Maybe no birds but at least I'm hunting! In the metro area, I'm dam glad to have a place to go folks are not real receptive to city slickers. Taking Thursday and Friday....a long weekend.

08-25-2006, 09:13 AM
ROFLMAO @ Billy! I once watched a bow hunter shatter half a dozen really good fiber arrows on an old growth oak doin the very same thing. . . . I gifure at prices around here he went through about $100 worth of arrows to run off a squirrel.

Fabs each to his or her own.. . . Yeah I took it in Jest bro, heck I ment what I wrote, but ment it in fun too. Last time I shot a deer I had plugged a squirrel not two minutes before in the very outfit I describbed and the deer stepped close enough I coulda almost beaned him with the gun :D

When I grew up when we went in the woods for meat we took whatever crossed our paths. It was not unusual to come home with several squirrel, a rabbit or two, half a dozen quail, and draggin a deer, and haulin a stringer of fish from the fish trap in the creek. . . . :p I miss the old days sooo much. During the UBER short fur season in Texas you could add a few coons and possums to that list as well. I can't count the number of times we came home draggin enough dead critters that you nearly dropped over in the front yard.

I will never forget one trappin season here. . . . . oh never mind need to save that one for my book. . . . :D


Dan Morris
08-26-2006, 08:08 PM
We'll see what the bird population is next Friday, today has been in the 50 n 60s. Just got off the cell with a trooper buddy I am supposed to meet at pistol rang early in the morning, he warned to wear long pants and boots for probable snow! 8100ft
at the range!It was 41 where he was n drizzle.