View Full Version : I dont often do this but. . . .

08-31-2006, 10:11 AM
It ain't often I REALLY tote for a specfic brand of nothin without being asked, but I gotta do this one. My wife found this about a year ago and it has replace all other forms of chili mix at our house including the from scratch home made stuff.


Try their search and rescue chili mix. It don't get NO better. The only thing we change at all is to add a little extra garlic and onions. . . . but then again I'm a Texan.


08-31-2006, 10:18 AM
BTW since we usually do recipies in here I thought I should throw this out. I am gonna try it this year, somebody once posted it with another brand o mix on another site, but it will be search and rescue mix when I do it.

3-5 large squirrels (Cleaned skinned washed you know the drill).
2 jars Texas firehouse Search and Rescue Chili mix.
1 half clove garlic chopped fine (Texan option)
1 half cup extra onions chopped semi fine (perferreably Texas 1015 or Noonday onions) (Texan option)

Throw it in a big ole crock pot and let er rip till the meat is cooked good and done.

By the way this is the first chili mix we have ever used where I didn't need to add cumin.
