View Full Version : Lilred's Rant Of The Week: The Military

09-03-2006, 09:19 AM
Sine 9/11 is comin...I've been thinkin bout our miltary over yonder..and the ignorant people who dont support em...so heres to all ya’ll stupid people.

See here it’s like this: While you might not agree on what’s goin on over yonder…our family and friends is over there gittin killed, wounded and goin though hell. Fer who? Well…I spect it’s us.
So, look at it this way….who in yer family drives the new minivan with the dvd player in it…and who drives the Geo metro to werk every day???? Wether you like it er not, agree with it er not, can tolerate it er not…yer still drivin the dam Geo!

That’s right..sacrifice is everywheres..wether you like it er not. But the fact that you did sacrifice deserves respect and recognition. Does the tie-wearin middle-class American man git recognition from their wives fer drivin the Geo??? Hell naw…9 times outta ten the wife just wants more. So…therefer..support what is our first line of defense and honor them. As fer as the wife…well…yer SOL on that front line.

Where would we be today if my great x5 or 6 grandfather and his brothers decided “aww to hell with it” and sat out the Revolutionary war? Even the Civil War was fought on grounds of what we believed…moral values. (Now there’s a concept) In Virginia, most Virginians were not “pro-slave” and in fact shared some of the Union’s views on government and industry. But…when it as Virginia’s turn to secede or go Union…it was the decision of the General Assembly that because of the fact that Virginia was the obvious front line of the comin war and Virginia knew it would be the first state to be invaded…Virginia seceded. Many Virginians fought the Union under the belief that they were bein invaded…and dammit they were. Was they right? The answer makes bout as much difference as a 1-legged man in a butt-kickin contest. They fought fer what they thought was right at the time….and caint nobody take that away from em.

09-03-2006, 11:26 AM
i believe ONE reason why this country is having so much trouble is the draft was abolished. we now have a generation of young men who've not been subjected to military discipline. many of them cannot understand the concept of having to get up in the morning and going to work/school/productive activity of some sort.

the impact has been enormous as those same persons who oppose (d) the military/draft are now in congress, (william jefferson clinton, for one example) state legislatures, city councils, etc and is reflected by the attitude and legislation handed down. very, very few in congress have served in the military ...

our "tolerance" will be part of our undoing ...

we're letting our kids and grandkids be taught to be victims. we've been conditioned to not stand up for ourselves: "call the police, johnnie, if that bully hits you again ..." we would not wish to offend the bully by fighting back would we? citizens assisting the BP are called "viglilantes" by a pres who seems not to know the meaning of "vigilante" as being one who steps up when law and order is not present or breaks down...

i once witnessed a neighbor beating his wife and i called the police while another neighbor tried to stop him and it took the police 42 minutes to get to the scene!

"diversity" is the tower of babel all over again! look up the meaning of the word "diverse" ... "to DIVIDE" is one meaning...

we are living in the time of the "tryanny of the minorities"...

we have to stand by while the authorities allow "immigrants" sanctuary in violation of federal law and then are called "racist" if we wish the EXISTING laws to be enforced... i have nothing against LEGAL immigration at all and i know no other americans that do...

all the while, congress/state legislatures stand around wringing their hands, biting their fingernails declaring "we need to negotiate or debate this/these issue (s)" ...

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...i'll stop now ... i'd better switch back to the decaf coffee. :mad:

09-04-2006, 09:11 PM
I lean very much towards Lilred, but I am on the opposite side of Law Enforcement now....dont get me wrong I love cops like you can only dream about...but its the system I dont trust...I can honestly tell you that there are certain things that the cops would be the last people I would call....call me a vigilanti I will thank you very much for it....

09-04-2006, 09:32 PM
I must say that the past two weeks have been eye opening for me. I am VERY PROUD to say that my son-in-law just signed up for the Army National Guard. He leaves for basic training on Sept 12, from there he will go straight to AIT (Advanced Individual Training).

Some of you may have seen my post that I will be a granddad sometime around the first week of March. Josh may not be out of AIT when his first child is born, but he and my daughter feel what he is doing the right thing. The eye opening part is that this will be hard enough on my daughter, but now we are being verbally assaulted by people about “why would let him do that” and “you know they will just send him to Iraq like all of the others”. My question is, If not him and the others willing to do this, then WHO will protect this nation?

A coworker of mine is from Russia. He has been in this country (legally by the way) for 12 years. After he learned English ( he will only speak English ) He tried to join Army because he was Russian special forces in Afghanistan, but they said he was too old. When I told him Josh had joined the Guard he had this big smile and said “Good, he is giving back to his country, I am proud of him!” He knows bad really is and that our country is headed that direction.

I am at a lose as to why people think they have all of the many freedoms and rights that we do in this country, but someone else should take care of them for us.


09-04-2006, 09:44 PM
Allen may God bless you and your family....it takes men and yes women to pick a battle and commit to it.....no matter what happens, your son has picked his battle....I am sure I speak for all of us here, we are proud and grateful for what your son is doing......please let us know how he is doing and if there is anything you need....

09-05-2006, 11:44 PM
Thanks, I will keep you up to date as I find out.


09-06-2006, 05:19 PM
Li'l Red said, "Where would we be today if my great x5 or 6 grandfather and his brothers decided “aww to hell with it” and sat out the Revolutionary war?"

I read an interest set of statistics a while back. Seems like during the Revolutionary War, 10 percent supported the british, 10 percent did all the fighting and the other 80 percent sat on their fat butts waiting to see who would win. :rolleyes: Does anyone here really think it would be any different today? Does anyone really think even 10 percnt would have the guts to stand up to the government today? I think that most people in this country are too darn lacadaisical to even care about what's going on. "Heck1 I got my big screen TV, my SUV in the drive way, I got my 12 pack and football is on the tube. Don't bother me. I don't want to think about it. After all, the talking heads on the tube give me totally honest information. hand another beer."
Paul B.