View Full Version : Shipping home trophies

09-04-2006, 11:05 AM
As previously advised by John Meehan of Fauna & Flora, the South African Taxidermist handling our trophies emailed me and said "US Customs doesn't allow the combining of multi-hunter trophies." This would double the cost of shipping our trophies home. We could cut this cost in half by sharing the shipping fee's. Bottom line; John made it very clear that it is NOT against any US laws to combine more than one hunters trophies into one shipping crate. Have any of you run into this before? I think John knows the laws of the US as he deals with the US F&W and USDA everyday. Thanks in advance, grayghost

09-12-2006, 01:54 PM
After consulting with John @ Fauna & Flora Customs Brokers, he contacted my shipper in SA and took care of everything. The bottom line (so all of you guys avoid any mistakes) is: you can ship as many Hunters trophies together as needed (to save on shipping costs). However, it is imperative that EACH Hunter has his/her own set of documents. DO NOT combine each others trophies on one shipping list under one Hunters name. This is not going to fly with US Customs inspectors. Each animal (skull/horns, capes and or skins) will have your name and ID number tagged on it. This prevents any mix up when shipping together. But each item must be on YOUR own list. The problem arose when four Hunters combined their trophies in one crate, but had all animals listed under one Hunters name. Bad choice...they had their trophies seized and went through a lot of unnecessary hassle. Good hunting, grayghost