View Full Version : circle hooks

09-04-2006, 12:35 PM
Anyone use circle hooks on their catfish bank poles?
I've been wanting to try them but don't know what size to use.
I'm not too interested in huge fish, there are 50 pounders around here.

09-21-2006, 10:36 PM
I use these in size 12 for trout/ steelhead/salmon...are great to hide things like single egg and I use the RED ones....seems to hide better and fish like red...and they can't see the hook shank but they are harder to remove due to no shank to get hold of....I imagine you could hide one in catfish bait pretty well...and am sure a larger size than #12 would be needed for cats...I cut up a small bluegill for cat bait and they don't work well for this...no room...I have only used them on trout....maybe someone else has a different idea but I used them today to catch the steelhead shown on the Erie, Pa steelhead post here....Red is the ticket.

11-01-2006, 11:31 AM
I been usin The red laser cast octopus hooks for awhile myself. Love 'em. Keep in mind (on the lasercast) that the sizes are off a bit. A 3/0 octopus hook is smaller than a standard 3/0 hook.


11-03-2006, 08:37 AM

a good article on circle hooks
