View Full Version : Anyone having trouble renewing their CCW licenses?

Adam Helmer
09-05-2006, 06:37 PM
I just renewed by PA CCW and it was not any problem. I talked with a buddy in New England and he was having a "run around" to get his renewal sorted out. About 37 or 38 states are "Shall Issue" if the applicant has a clean criminal and mental record. The other states are "No issue" or "Discretionary" and my buddy lives in a "Discretionary" state where a CCW "May" be issued!

Let us all understand that there is a LIGHT YEAR of distance between "May" and "Shall." I am glad to live in a "Shall Issue" state. In some states a permit might not be issued is one is not deemed a "proper person", whatever the hell that means!

Several states are perfect examples of the Liberal Experiments that have failed and, unfortunately, my buddy lives in one of those.


09-05-2006, 06:57 PM
no adam, i am from the same political island as you, and in my group of hunting and shooting buds, so far so good

09-05-2006, 07:30 PM
I just had my third renewal in March (renew every 5 yrs) with no problems. Nevada is also a "shall issue" state.