View Full Version : New Bow

09-07-2006, 07:06 AM
After think long and hard on getting a new bow, I had decided to wait till after the season to get one, but after coming into some extra money (couple side jobs) I could not wait any longer:o
I went lastnight to the bowshop and picked up a Mathews Switchback XT. I wanted to try out those Ross bows but the closest dealer is about a 2 1/2 hour drive away I did not feel that they would be that much better then a Mathews to warrent such a drive, and not knowing anything about the shop makes me kinda leery also. So my new XT is 28 1/2" draw set at 63# with a new Muzzy zero effect rest and my old Fuse 3 pin site.

I thought my SQ2 was a shooter, but boy is the XT a sweet shooting piece of equipment.

09-07-2006, 07:32 AM
Congrats on the new bow man! I haven't shot one of the new Switchbacks but they look sweet. Now get out there with that bad boy and practice!;)

Are you planning on hunting this season with the bow Del?

09-07-2006, 05:45 PM
Yeah, our season started on the 1st and will run till end of Jan.. I have only gotten to shoot maybe 45 -50 shots so far but I can tell you that I have to shot spots and not for group. I have almost had 2 Robin Hoods so far. My wife will be closing the next 3 nights so I will have the kids and not beable to go so I will get some shooting in the next 4 - 5 days before I can get to go hunting again (Delaware does not allow hunting on Sundays). And I am sure I will have total confidence by then, I am pretty confident right now that I could make the shot. That is one of the reasons I was going to wait till after the season. But I am like a little kid at times and when I get the fever I just can't wait.:D