View Full Version : hog traps

09-09-2006, 10:20 PM
Does anyone know how to build a wild hog trap out of a 55 gallon drum?

09-12-2006, 08:31 PM
no , but if you find out let me know thanks

10-11-2006, 04:54 PM
I trap wild hogs. Can't imagine how you could trap one in a 55 gal barrel. The traps I use are usually 4' wide, 4' tall and 8' long.

Some people make them only 3' tall ... but I find the boars will stand on their hind legs and put their shoulder into the top wire trying to escape.

8' is the minimum length I use. My latest one is 10' long.

The next critical issue is the floor. Would it be the rounded sides of the barrel? If so, you will never catch any hogs. They don't like stepping on metal. Some people don't put any wire in the bottoms of their hog traps (t-post them down). I use as little wire as is possible. The only purpose is to keep the hog from putting his nose under the sides and lifting the trap. Even though the traps weigh a couple hundred pounds ... they are no problem for a hog to lift and throw.

Last issue would be heat. Hogs don't sweat and therefore have trouble controlling their body temps. That is why they hang near water. Any significant time in a metal barrel and you would have a dead hog.

Like I said ... I can't imagine using a 55 gal drum as a hog trap.

10-02-2007, 06:25 PM
thanks for the input...
Maybe the 55 gallon drum trap is only for little tender ones.....