View Full Version : Lots of projectile casting....

Adam Helmer
09-12-2006, 06:37 PM
Now that the haying is done and the garden is finished and the snows are still in the offing, it is time to melt lots of lead and fill many moulds.

I like this time of year, not too hot and just a bit cool for working over a hot Coleman stove on the picnic table in the front yard in the shade of a big pine tree. I chained loyal hound up to the nearby porch post to keep Lori out of the danger zone of hot lead. Ah, I have a man's work ahead of me casting balls and maxis for the .45, .50 .54 and .58 Muzzleloaders. By the time I am done, I will have casted up enough projectiles to carry me up to next Summer.

I have casted in Winter, but prefer late Summer as the best time to spend a day or two at the stove with moulds. I run a mould until the balls or maxis begin to frost and then take up another mould until it begins to frost and go to another mould, etc.

I am amazed at the prices of Maxis, Minies and round balls at the local Walmart. Whatever I am saving by casting at home just means I get to shoot more for the money. Who else casts their own projectiles?


Mr. 16 gauge
09-13-2006, 07:51 PM
I preferer mid to late September, esp. in the evenings as the temps are cooler. I cast both modern and muzzleloading projectiles.....some of the BP projectiles that I cast are round ball in 54 & 62 caliber, .44 cal conicals for my 1858 revolver, and LEE R*E*A*L bullets and minie balls for my .54.
Cant find a maxiball mold for my .54, which is a shame, as my Hawken shoots them well (at least the store made kind).

Adam Helmer
09-14-2006, 05:25 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

I think my .54 Maxi is a Lee mould. My Renegade .54 likes Minies, but not my .54 Hawken flinter. I still have many other load options using all my home-cast projectiles for all my muzzleloaders.


09-28-2006, 10:30 PM
keep an eye on Ebay I bought lyman mold 540617 there and works perfectly:)

Adam Helmer
09-29-2006, 02:55 PM

Welcome to the Forum; I see this is only your second post. I like your "handle" since I prefer round ball in my .54s for PA deer.

Keep posting and give us some input. Be well.
