View Full Version : 180 gr hornady interbond for moose& bear?

danny pay
09-20-2006, 02:58 AM
what do you think about using 180 grain interbond for moose and bear hunting in a 3006?

Rocky Raab
09-20-2006, 09:09 AM
A good choice. From what I read, it's a very good, deep penetrating bullet at .30-06 speeds.

Moose and bear are usually short-range targets, though. You might want to consider a bit heavier bullet for more smash. The Nosler 200 Partition is a classic moose and bear bullet with a long history of success. A 180 Barnes TSX is another excellent choice. Newer, but with a large following of avid users.

09-20-2006, 03:55 PM
I second what Rocky said with strong preference toward the 180 TSX.

Terry Blauwkamp
11-28-2006, 12:19 PM
I hae used the 180 Inter-Bond a lot this year, and I would not use it for Moose and cerainly Bear.

Go with a tougher bullet like TSx or Trophy Bonded Bear Claws.

12-10-2006, 03:38 PM
Most any 180 grain hunting bullet out of an '06 is more than adequate for any moose or black bear that walks. The 180 Interbond , as well as the standard 180 grain SP Interlock, are good choices. The 180 grain Nosler Interbond and Swift Scirroco are also good choices if your heart is set on a bonded bullet.

The "X" bullets may penetrate deeper than a lead bullet but it will also leave smaller entrance and entry holes. With a big animal like moose the larger the wound channel the quicker they will bleed down and drop. An extra 100 yards of travel with moose often lets them get somewhere you don't want them to be like into the water or under a pile of deadfalls. :rolleyes:

12-28-2006, 04:25 PM
are you talking a grizzly or a black. black deffinitly grizzly have a big back up gun just in case. moose just fine. your gun might not have a fast enough twist for anything above the 180 grn bullet. most guns the twist is in the middle so you can shoot light and heavy bullets. so you might want to shoot some heavy bullets through the gun to see if it will even print a group but a 180 grn bullet out of the 30-06 will take anything in the US with the right shot placement. also remember that as you go heavier with the bullet weight the recoil gets worse. just a thaught.