View Full Version : To any of our PH's......a question

09-20-2006, 06:15 PM
When you guys get inquiry's from first time prospective clients concerning hunting Buffalo for instance, what should they understand foremost? Let's omit the usual "what gun to bring" I'm referring to what to expect from your PH and what should a PH expect from his client. Thanks in advance. This would help to clear up some gray areas for potential African Hunters. grayghost

Andrew McLaren
09-23-2006, 09:38 AM
This seems an easy one. Until you start writing about it!'

I will reply as the Hunting Outfitter getting an enquiry for dangerous game hunting from an unknown client.

(i)I expect complete honesty from the client. If I send an e-mail message in which a question about previous hunting experience is aske, be sure that there is a reason for asking. The client should then honestly reply that he has never, or otherwise, hunted DG. If I ask about his health and ability to hunt on foot all day, I also expect an honest reply. An dishonest reply may let a situation develop where the client hunts in an area for which he is far to unfit to operate.

09-24-2006, 10:05 PM
Thanks Andrew. I think that is a very important point you bring up. I've seen the same thing here in the States with guys going out west for a wilderness Elk hunt. Many would be Elk hunters fail to communicate with their Guide that they are not in good physical shape, so after they experience their first horse ride, they encounter high altitude sickness, blisters on their feet and the inability to navigate rough terrain. Some are forced to stay in camp all week and they want to blame their Guide. Sometimes television makes hunting Dangerous Game look like a easy walk in the bush, but in reality it may take a week or more of ground pounding stalks to get onto a good Buff. Honest communication allows a PH to plan his clients forthcoming hunt, and to meet his physical ability and expectations. Excellent advice Andrew. If you think of any other points, please advise. Good hunting, grayghost