View Full Version : The Nation's Priorities in New Orleans
09-21-2006, 03:26 PM
Just heard on TV that FEMA provided $116 million to repair the Superdome in New Orleans and the NFL provided $15 million.
Hello, don't you think that money could have been used for something better like rebuilding homes, or am I incorrect in assuming that the home repairs in New Orleans have not yet been completed.
Okay, even if the home repairs have been completed, how about putting that money toward reinforcing the levies so we do not have another disaster like this, or am I incorrect again about the levees not having been fixed yet.
I just do not understand how we can spend so much money on a football stadium when there are so many other problems in the city. Utterly amazing.
09-21-2006, 03:47 PM
Lets see. . . . a high school (that shall remain unnamed) has the lowest overall test scores in the state. Solution? A bond election is passed and a new $1.5 million dollar stadium is built, a new $250k bus is purchased (The wet bar has to be removed because of parental protests) and the Team gets 100% new gear from 4 new pairs of shoes each to brand new hand embrodered jackets ($30k pricetag for the gear). . . . . Oh yeah and the High School expands the school library from a 10x12 room to a 20x35 room at the cost of $35k. . . . SOOOO $1.78million + is spent on the football team and $35k on education. . . . .
The school still has the lowest test scores in the state, but the team looks fine. . . . .
Until this is not the lesson shown to our children by adults (as it has been for several generations) then we will continue to spend millions on a football stadium while people are living in tents.
The message is clear. Sports are important. . . . . unless its hunting. . . . . .
09-21-2006, 04:34 PM
I've been in the military for a while and I can tell you that common sense has no place in a government operation. There's just no room for it.
09-21-2006, 08:00 PM
i dunno sounds like typcal govment bullshit to me . ya know , if its important they will talk about it but do very damn little :confused: it would appear to an out sider that sports are the pinnicle of our society , of course i am just a hill billy who doesnt care about sports :D
09-22-2006, 12:11 AM
I bought a larger cable tv package to view more movies...what I didn't know was it was all ball I go to my outdoor channel...and watch outdoor sports that is...
In May 1919 at Dusseldorf, German, the Allied Forces obtained a copy of some of the "Communist Rule For Revolution."
Years later, let us read the Rules and pause and THINK.
(A) Corrupt the young. get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness.
(B) Get control of all means of publicity, thereby:
1. Get people's minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays and other trivialities.
2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.
3. Destroy the peoples faith in their leaders by holding them up to contempt, ridicule.
4. Always preach true democracy but size power as fast and as ruthless as possible.
5. By encouraging government extravagance destroy it's credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
6. Cause unnecessary strikes in vital industries. Encourage civil disorder. Foster leniency and softness on the part of the government towards such disorders.
7. Breakdown old moral virtues, honest, sobriety, continence, and faith in pledged word.
(C) Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscating them and leaving the population helpless.
This was authentic in 1919
How strange is it in 2006?.....or is it?
So ball jockies/nascar is to me all part of this great plan the wolves in sheep clothes have in store for us......Too much sports!
09-22-2006, 12:15 AM
I could give an example that would fit into each and every A,B,C or 1-7 rules here at this day and age...yep..headed for disaster. Anyone here at HC want to run for Pres?...will get my vote.
09-22-2006, 01:56 AM
amen bro.
we in my time also called it the trivial pursuit of pettiness. the federal government would spend great amounts to save 2¢ and then turn around and blow a wad on some useless pos.
never could figure it out.
09-22-2006, 02:38 AM
I could really get on a roll here about government. My wife and I live on the Maryland side of the Potomac River. We have two bridges to cross the river, and each of them is around 30 miles from us. To make a long story short, a ferry runs right in the middle of the two bridges and there has been talk about putting a bridge in there since 2001 so that Marylanders and Northern Virginians can cross the river in this spot rathe easily and not have to drive out of the way. My wife works in northern Virginia and this would cut her drive time by 30 minutes and about 20 miles each way. Also, please keep in mind that both spots on the Maryland and Virginia sides of this proposed bridge are currently being developed like crazy.
So, over the last 5 years there have been so many studies for and against this bridge that it has been insane and this bridge isn't going to be very big at all. The money and time spent on these studies could have probably built the bridge. Then, we could see first hand if it caused additional growth or an increase in local traffic. If the results were undesirable, close the bridge and/or prevent additional housing growth on both sides of the river by passing additional laws.
Nothing can be this simple. Meanwhile, people in Maryland and Virginia sit in traffic like you wouldn't believe.
How about the immigration issue. That could be solved pretty easily, but law makers don't want to do anything in an election year. Personally, I think we should vote all of them out regardless of their stance on anything. Get all new people in there and see what they can do. Plain and simple.
I could go on all night about New Orleans, but I do need to get some sleep at some point.
Brant Buster
09-22-2006, 05:26 AM
Money from the gubmnt to rebuild the stuper dome. Money from the NFL to rebuild the stuper dome.
What absolute bullshot!
If the corrupt city of Nawlunz and corrupt state of Loosy-anna what their fair city rebuilt, it IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY! And not funds from the public trough!
It is this public socialist thinking that got them [set up] ansd in trouble before Katrina.
Apparrently no one has learned anything!
The primary parties who should be rebuilding the "city beneath the sea and Mississippi River" do not include George Bush and the federal gubmnt.
When I lived in Florida and went through two hurricanes of my own, no one bailed us out but ourselves!
Also, it was my family's responsibility to get out of the way of the storm. Not some corrupt city mayor, some corrupt state gubnator, and not some corrupt state senator (Landrue).
I've been to Nawlunz, and will NEVER go back. ;)
09-22-2006, 08:35 AM
Fabs, you guys went about the bridge all wrong..said it would help people get to if you guys can somehow add how it can help traffic get to the ball stadiums...that is the key...a sports bridge ....have seen it happen in Pittsburgh...but the story you said about FEMA spending that much money on a stadium is believable but hard to what can we do about that?..who do we contact about where the fema money goes? why some might think my above post is a little out of context with the original post but it explains why we are so much involved in sports/ ball jockeys....and why I am so much against them....I don't support their ideas. So if want a bridge, call it the stadium bridge.
09-22-2006, 09:53 AM
Okay, I do think sports are okay to a certain extent. Otherwise, the obesity rate in the US would be 100%. Then again, maybe the obesity rate is so high because people spend all of Sunday in front of the TV watching football. Heck, you can watch football from Thursday night all the way through Monday night, with the exception of Friday. Utterly insane. My brothers stay in front of the TV on Sunday from noon until 11:00 pm. That is 11 hours of the day wasted.
I'm going to leave the bridge issue alone because I would be here all day cursing.
09-22-2006, 11:49 AM
hey, isn't it fashionable now to "blame bush"? after all i heard one wag blame him for the hurricane!
nagin and "what's her name", the gov of louisana neither one seem to want to accept they had any responsibility at all in the whole mess.
it seems to be neglected that katrina was the worse natural disaster to stike the U.S. in our history it seems it's more politically correct to play the "blame game" instead of deal with the situation.
in short; there was NO WAY to be prepared for the scope of disaster that hit...period.
09-23-2006, 12:50 AM
And Nagin got re-elected. Don't get me started on that one.
09-24-2006, 08:50 PM
Watching a game today in the Dome, it was instructive to hear one of the talking heads go on about how wonderful it was to have the Dome restored, kinda of a momument to the neglected and abused NO citizens who suffered there so horribly when the Country abandoned them during Katrina. I turned the game off.
09-24-2006, 11:52 PM
Fabs, I think the obesity problem lies mostly in the steroids they feed the cows and chickens to get a better market value. We eat them, we eat the ok I guess as long as we don't play sports or ride a bike in France and have to be tested.
I had spell check on here...where did it go?
09-25-2006, 01:24 AM
I seriously doubt that the obesity problem is a result of the steroids that they give to cows, pigs, chickens, etc to "beef" them up. I think the obesity problem has a lot to do with people sitting around way too much nowadays. My brother is about to turn 34 and he cannot pedal a bike a mile on a level street without losing his breath.
Now, testing positive for steroids in sports might, and that is a big might, be connected to the steroids given to animals, but I seriously doubt it. Otherwise, these athletes would have already come up with the scientific proof for why they test positive. They have the money to hire the best scientists and attorneys, so I am sure that stone has been turned.
Tall Shadow
09-25-2006, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by
I bought a larger cable tv package to view more movies...what I didn't know was it was all ball I go to my outdoor channel...and watch outdoor sports that is...
In May 1919 at Dusseldorf, German, the Allied Forces obtained a copy of some of the "Communist Rule For Revolution."
Years later, let us read the Rules and pause and THINK.
(A) Corrupt the young. get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness.
(B) Get control of all means of publicity, thereby:
1. Get people's minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays and other trivialities.
2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.
3. Destroy the peoples faith in their leaders by holding them up to contempt, ridicule.
4. Always preach true democracy but size power as fast and as ruthless as possible.
5. By encouraging government extravagance destroy it's credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
6. Cause unnecessary strikes in vital industries. Encourage civil disorder. Foster leniency and softness on the part of the government towards such disorders.
7. Breakdown old moral virtues, honest, sobriety, continence, and faith in pledged word.
(C) Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with the view of confiscating them and leaving the population helpless.
This was authentic in 1919
How strange is it in 2006?.....or is it?
So ball jockies/nascar is to me all part of this great plan the wolves in sheep clothes have in store for us......Too much sports!
Sounds like a good story.........
But, it's not true.
Snopes Review (
People, please double check ANYTHING that is sent around via email, or Posted in/on boards like our one here. We owe it to ourselves, and Our fellow hunters/shooters to provide them with truthful information.
Tall Shadow
09-25-2006, 04:32 PM
sadly though, it makes a lot of sense doesn't it? study and think about each snippet.
maybe the socialists are jealous they didn't think of it.
09-25-2006, 05:03 PM
Tall Shadow,
I agree about checking things on Snopes. Nowadays, I have stopped forwarding stuff because I do not have the time to check the veracity of the e-mail and I do not want to continue to forward untruths. It is amazing how quickly the internet can spread stupidity. I really love the e-mail about Target being a French company when it is one of the few American companies left in the US. Probably some idiotic Frenchman started that rumor.
Rocky Raab
09-25-2006, 05:30 PM
I suppose the Feds justify the Dome rebuild on the basis of it being a storm shelter.
Seems to me they might have better off building a good one-way highway out of that cesspool of a city. And leave it open even when there aren't any storms.
09-25-2006, 07:20 PM
Tall Shadow, just exactly what makes you think I got my information from some internet post? Don't make assumptions unless you know what you are talking about or who as far as that goes...You aren't the only one in this world that deletes stupid things from the junk mail box ya know.
My information by the way came from Co B 28 sig Bn....Army National Guard outfit. A military outfit I use to be affiliated with after my tour of active duty just in case you don't know what that is or believe there is such an outfit.
Anyhow, if you don't think it came from back in the early 1900's, it could have been written today and no-one should ignore it. So tuck your head under your pillow up there in Detroit and keep up with your evening news. Sounds like you learn lots that way.
Now reading over this post, I probably should just delete it because it sounds as if my hackles were up when posting this. No they aren' no slam intended. Just another friendly post and opinion. Heck, I can just click a button on this thing and shut it off like I do the evening news if things bother me that much but I like to see what others around the world have to say on HC. Have a nice day all.....time to gather some hunting items for Saturday. Good luck to all heading for the woods opening Pa deer season.
09-25-2006, 11:10 PM
Just heard some reasons for the money put into the Superdome before being put into rebuilding homes. Supposedly, rebuilding the business district (e.g., restaurants, hotels, the Superdome) will allow New Orleans to generate money and thereby rebuild itself. Hopefully, that is correct. It would be great to see developers come in there and start building houses just to be sold to people.
Of course, I think the money should be spent on the levies before anything else. Why spend all that money on the business district if there is another hurricane like Katrina. I guess that is why I'm not in the government.
09-26-2006, 12:56 AM
I don't think N.O. will ever be the same as it was. Heck we still have home construction, reconstruction going on here from the flooding we picked up back then. One guy was smart and since the poor man just bought the house 6mo before it all went under to the roof, he had the whole thing lifted from ground level to setting on a cement block basement. (would you believe he was dumb enough to crawl into the attic? When the water went down enough for him/wife go get back out they ended up swimming to shore. Yes the police etc gave him 30 lashes). Just finishing the siding on it now...looking good. It probably would be worth a good home construction outfit to go down there and rebuild/sell homes. Flip this house. If it weren't for the 3 hitting one after another, I don't think there would have been as much damage left. The water just had nowhere to go. Another man just up the street from the one spoken of above just finished his first floor. What a nice job and lots of work too since everything had to be gutted to the studs and disinfected/ mold prevention etc etc..a slow process but they are getting there. I just don't know how long it will take for all the items still hanging in the trees along the creeks to fall back to nature. Things like broken campers, things washed from yards, homes.....all still hanging in trees....a spooky feeling when fishing the creek in a boat
I think goose season here in pa just ended Saturday....I seen 6 geese on the lake today....they left opening day and not seen since....tell me they don't have a calendar. Know same ones because one had a club foot that wound around like a paddle wheel when he walked....
09-26-2006, 10:33 AM
Probably someone from Co B intercepted this Rule thing along the way but it is scary. True or not I still like what it says and still intend to pass it along. Thing is I'm not the original author so in a way am spreading rumors. Is why I left out where I heard it from in the original 'opinion' post.
Tall Shadow
09-26-2006, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by
Tall Shadow, just exactly what makes you think I got my information from some internet post? Don't make assumptions unless you know what you are talking about or who as far as that goes...You aren't the only one in this world that deletes stupid things from the junk mail box ya know.
My information by the way came from Co B 28 sig Bn....Army National Guard outfit. A military outfit I use to be affiliated with after my tour of active duty just in case you don't know what that is or believe there is such an outfit.
Anyhow, if you don't think it came from back in the early 1900's, it could have been written today and no-one should ignore it. So tuck your head under your pillow up there in Detroit and keep up with your evening news. Sounds like you learn lots that way.
Now reading over this post, I probably should just delete it because it sounds as if my hackles were up when posting this. No they aren' no slam intended. Just another friendly post and opinion. Heck, I can just click a button on this thing and shut it off like I do the evening news if things bother me that much but I like to see what others around the world have to say on HC. Have a nice day all.....time to gather some hunting items for Saturday. Good luck to all heading for the woods opening Pa deer season.
Easy Skeeter! ;)
I'm not trying to impune(sp?) you, or even your posting something that fits the current situation here in the USofA!
What I'm saying is that with the advent of the Internet, We ALL should be a little more careful of what we disseminate as FACT, and what >Even tho' it sounds good<, is just a good story.
I don't "Have my head under my pillow", I see, deal with, and endure, the same bad stuff as We all do. I too worry about the future of this, THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!...not only for me & You, and those of us now, but for My kids...and (Hopefully) someday my grandkids....
But in order for us to fix the problem(s), we must first find/understand/identify/define the problem(s).
We can not do this effectively, by following rumors/stories/ matter what/whom the source is.
All I asked, was for all of us (The people who want to fix the trouble(s)..You & I & everyone else here!) to be diligent in our pursuit of THE TRUTH!
Like I said, I meant no offense to you, just to remind All of US to be careful, and to verify our information.
All The Best!
Tall Shadow
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