View Full Version : Favorite trotline bait

09-23-2006, 01:11 AM
So what do you prefer?
I generally use worms. just a small piece. on each hook.
Tell me about your experience with other baits.

11-01-2006, 10:20 AM
Three main types we use. Perch, liver, or bait soap. I never use store bought stinkbaits, though I know folks who do. I really like rednecks catfish bait soap. It don't stink and you can get a HECK of alot of hooks baited off of one block.


Do you mostly throw trots or use single sets too? I think this next year I am probably gonna go back to single sets mostly.


11-01-2006, 12:40 PM
I'm really just getting back into fishing.
Back when the kids were young ,me too, I ran 200 hooks on a special Iowa fishing licence in the Mississippi. It takes a lot of bait. It also takes lots more time running that many. Not a lot of time to check out new fishing spots.
Now, 15 years later, I decided to get the ol jon boat out ,install an electric start motor and get back into fishin. No more 200 hooks just some bank poles a trot line and rod and reel.I'm also not fishing the Mississippi as much. There are several good rivers here in SE Iowa that are pretty good for cats. Its kinda like starting from scratch though. Don't have the good spots picked out.

Back in those days I found that a 50 hook line would catch just as many cats with a small piece of night crawler on it as with a whole worm. Also, when the little ones strip your bait ,it don't cost so much.
I've done a lot of research on prepared baits, bought a couple of recipes and have twisted the arm of my wifes cousin to provide me with fresh shad.
I've considered raising rabbits again to raise earthworms under but don't think I can talk my wife into taking care of them:D
best of luck

11-01-2006, 02:08 PM
ROFL I thought I was the only one who had ever done that with their rabbit pens! :D

Seriously that was part of my problem. It got to where (years ago) fishing became such a chore that I just about gave it up. Now I use a cane pole, maybe a few set hooks, etc. Every once in awhile I will break out an old rod and reel put some new cajun red cast line on it and tear up the San Pedro or the Neches.

Last year I ran a couple short trots. I don't think I will run a trot again. I sure wish it wasn't illegal to use yo-yos in Texas. . . . .

Anyway Hope you have fun. I seriously love the rednecks catfish bait soap. And yes you can really get about 250-300 pieces easy out of 1 bar, and no it doesn't spoil.

I also like a good piece of nightcrawler about 1/4 of an inch long for perch. If I ain't perchin' I am catfishin'. If I ain't doin that I HOPE I am squirrel huntin'


Andy L
11-01-2006, 05:59 PM
Goldfish, chubs and perch for flatheads.

Prepared bait for channels and blues.

Horny Headed Chubs seem to be the end all trotline baits around here for big flatheads.

11-03-2006, 08:38 AM
Now that ain't to say I ain't TRIED all that other bait. Nowadays I use bait soap, perch fish, er chicken livers because its EASY, AND I can get it on short notice.
