View Full Version : shooting sticks

09-23-2006, 12:17 PM
What are the best shooting sticks for the money? Should you use a 2 leg or 3 leg model?

Thanks in advance, TJ

09-24-2006, 08:40 AM
Mornin Baylian,
I use just one and it slips on to my back possible bag strap,, I just poke it into the ground for huntin,,

L. Cooper
09-24-2006, 09:41 AM
I make mine out of dowelling. I use different lengths for different purposes. They are cheap (I have left a few in the bush in the excitement), they work very well, they are warm when it is cold and cool when it is hot, they are light, and they make a passable walking stick.

I prefer them over bipods because they allow me to follow moving targets easier, and they get me up over the undergrowth (if I'm carrying the longer ones).

M.T. Pockets
10-13-2006, 12:06 PM
For field hunting I prefer stix over a bi-pod. I use the shock corded ones that fold down and weigh very little. I think they're made by Butler Creek. Anyway, I have the two legged ones and they're great for sitting shots. I missed an elk clean about 10 years ago after climbing for an hour, I just couldn't keep the crosshairs from bouncing over it with every heartbeat. With stix I know I could have picked the hair I wanted to hit and drilled it.

I practice with mine using a .22 and they are a tremendous help with the big rifles, especially when in open country with no trees to use for a rest. I think back to a shot I made on a caribou with a very strong cross wind on the open tundra a few years back. There's no way I could have attempted it without the rest from those cheap little stix.

You'll like them a lot. Mine go with me everywhere my rifle goes.

10-14-2006, 01:50 PM
I used a wa;ling stick with a "Y" top and the two piece sticks when varmitting.

Either can work well, but the two piece are a little more flexbile in usage. (IE you can spread the sticks to raise and lower the support crotch).

I made mine, from two legs off of a video camcorder tripod that got bustedup. ( one of the old 20 lb VHS camcorder tripods).

Those legs are strong enough to do the job, some extendable/contractable themselves, and some bungee cord i had laying around.

They are not the prettiest, but they work fine.
I'd include a photo, but my nephew broke my digicam last weekend, and I havent replaced it yet.

11-05-2006, 02:59 AM
I just wanted to thank you for all your replies. I bought some Stoney Point Steady Stix today at Sportsman's Warehouse. They came well recommended. I can't wait to give them a try at the range. I'll give y'all a report.

Good hunting, TJ

11-06-2006, 09:28 AM
I used the stoney point (I believe that was the brand) collapsable two leggers for awhile. I don't use anything at the moment.
