View Full Version : What's new?

09-23-2006, 01:11 PM
Anyone pick up any new gadgets for the upcoming season? I'm not going to be doing much hunting this year so I haven't picked up anything more than a new GPS which I actually got for Geocaching. Has anyone picked up anything new? Radios, GPSs, rangefinders, etc?

09-23-2006, 01:45 PM
Last spring I was having a problem with my left shoulder and feared that I might not be able to hold my shotgun up long enough to make the shot on a turkey.

My 80 year old hunting partner also has a bad left shoulder as well. When he saw the hunters knee pod I had bought he wanted one as well. After three days of trying I finally got a stubborn tom to come in so he could shoot it.

After the bird finally hit the dirt Dave said " I never could have killed that bird with out the kneepod.

Here is a link to the website---http;www.hunterskneepod.com[/url]