View Full Version : best squirrel rifle?

09-25-2006, 11:35 AM
I would like to hear everyones opinion on what they think is the best squirrel rifle ever made. I am not talking about a target .22, they are usually too heavy to tote all over the place, and to slow to get into action. I mean a squirrel rifle. I am planning to buy myself a really good one. I have, and have had a lot of .22 rifles. Marlin 60s, Win. 190, 10/22s, single shots, autos, bolt guns. They have all been o.k. and have all been used to kill a pile of squirrels, but they all had so so to poor triggers, and not much class. My current go to rifle is a savage mark II bolt action, fair trigger, accurate, but plastic stock, and plain jane as a potato. I am leaning towards an auto, maybe a T/C classic and especially looking at the Remington 552 speedmaster, always loved those. Anyone got either of those? These are just two ideas I had, I would be glad to hear any suggestions. My criteria are that it be able to mount a scope, not plastic stocked, not extreeemly pricey, and reasonably light and handy. I am a forty year old man so no kiddie guns please. Thanks.

09-25-2006, 03:49 PM
consistancy is gonna normally be yer single shot 22 IMHO


09-25-2006, 07:19 PM
You are right, Good Old Boy, but I think personal preference has alot to do with it- I really like my 10/22 but I prefer a lever action .22 for squirrel hunting- single shot gives you no oppurtunity to take a double when presented

09-26-2006, 09:50 AM
A lever action 22 is a great gun in and of itself. I am not fond of the ruger 10/22s Dont ask me why I just aint. I own a marlin model 60 22 semiauto tube fed bleh bleh bleh and it just wont hold a group anymore. Dunno why I cant have fired more than about 15-20 thousand rounds out of it (Use to plink with it every weekend) Even after using solvent on the barrel etc etc it just wont hold a group anymore and it jams to often for my taste.

H&R makes great single shots, BUT in the case of a 22 I actually prefere (only by a hair mind you) a single shot bolt action. Good luck finding one. The H&R will shoot alot better than you or I do.


09-26-2006, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by GoodOlBoy
I own a marlin model 60 22 semiauto tube fed bleh bleh bleh and it just wont hold a group anymore. Dunno why I cant have fired more than about 15-20 thousand rounds out of it (Use to plink with it every weekend) Even after using solvent on the barrel etc etc it just wont hold a group anymore and it jams to often for my taste.

GOB, I've got the same gun, and the same problem with it. It doesn't jam yet, but pattern-wise, it was great only several thousand rounds ago!

I'd endorse the lever action .22.

09-26-2006, 11:31 AM
JL, to get the best squirrel rifle, I wouldn't advise buying another gun at all.
(Oh, my God, did he really say Don't buy a gun?;) )
Take the money you would spend on a new rifle and invest in a first rate trigger for your 10/22-either install the parts, have it done, or get a whole new trigger group.
Then, once you have a good trigger pull on the rifle, get a first rate scope. By first rate, I mean a 1" tube scope with the parallax set for .22 distances, or an adjustable objective. Expect this scope to cost as much as a good scope for your big game rifle.
Leupold makes a 4X and a 2-7X designed for 22's, and the Burris R/A series (rimfire/airgun) would be 2 examples of the type of scope I'm recommending.
With a good trigger pull and first rate optics, I think you'll find you already own a great squirrel rifle.

09-26-2006, 08:17 PM
I have a CZ 452 Varmint in .22 LR. It has a beautiful Turkish walnut stock. Crisp adjustable trigger. 21 inch heavy barrel. The 453 version has a single set trigger. You can get it in .17 Mach II, .17 HMR, and .22 mag as well. I put a Nikon rimfire 4x scope on it. The scope came with it's own rings. Nice looking, shooting package. It cost about $400 for the whole thing. Just my 2 cents.

Good hunting, TJ

09-27-2006, 09:38 AM
Excellent suggestions! I have been looking at the CZ rimfires for a while, the fact that they have the gumption to supply a good trigger out of the box is a real plus. The trigger guards are kind of ugly though, look kind of out of place on that kind of rifle. Iknow that is a small thing, and kind of picky, but as I said I am looking for suggestions on the perfect squirrel rifle. The CZ probably is the leading contender in the bolt action category right now. The 10/22 is a great rifle and no one need sell me on it or Ruger firearms in general, I have about ten or twelve assorted models, handguns and long guns. One 10/22 has at least a couple of thousand rounds thru it and still is a tack driver. I probably will do the trigger at some time. I was kind of looking for something different, not to be found at your local Wal mart. It doesnt even have to be a new gun, I love buying guns on the used market. especially .22 rifles, they are often an inexpensive fix for "the new gun craving." How can you beat a .22, it is probably the only gun that one can afford to shoot until you are tired of it.

09-27-2006, 11:11 AM
Actually I have heard nothing BUT good things aobut the CZ rifles. I have even considered one in 7.62x39mm myself. . . . . but what the hey I am an oddball.

Still for squirrel I prefere a non-scoped rifle (We have alot of cat squirrels and you have a heck of a time catchin them in a crosshair) A single shot or lever gun would be my preference here still.


09-27-2006, 06:11 PM
Yep, no doubt, the CZ is in the hunt. Anybody heard anything on that new Remington 504 bolt action. Very pricey, I have seen a used one for $500 or so. A lot for a .22, and high price does not always mean good shooting. Then one gets into the Kimbers and such. They have an excellent reputation, but again pricey.

10-05-2006, 07:23 PM
I use two different .22 LR rifles for Squirrels. When there are still leaves on the trees, and a quick second shot might be needed, I take the Ruger 10/22 with the laminated Mannlicher stock This is a scary accurate rifle.
In late season, its the old Remington 521t Junior Special. With the equally old Weaver K4 scope, its been slaughtering squirrels for at least the 40 years I have owned it, and I got it second hand. With the CCI Stingers that it likes, it will shoot dime sized groups at 50 yards all day long.