View Full Version : Concealed?

09-26-2006, 07:02 PM
I have a question, a sincere question and I'm not being a smart ass, nor do I think I am stupid.
I obtained my first carry permit while living in Texas. I was 55 years old when I moved there from Canada in 1996. My gun was always in my vehicle.
I moved to Tennessee in 2000 and married. I was able to obtain a Tn. carry permit due to the reciprocity with Tx.
My firearm now, is always in the truck unless I am hunting deer or walking the dog after dark.
I am 6' tall and 215 lbs. and 99.9% of the time I wear blue jeans and a golf shirt.
How in the hell do I carry a firearm concealed????? Really, where do I put it?

09-26-2006, 08:01 PM
my only sugesstion could/would be were bigger shirts. i wear bermudas during the summer with a button up sport shirt. comfy and i don't see any printing.

but i'm a shrimp, 5'11" and around 150#'s. i also wear a crossdraw holster and it fits outside the waist but draws up tight when i cinch my belt. as i said, no printing.

the only to solve carry problems is lots of experimentation, you have to find what works best for you.

by the way you are not stupid or a samrt a$$, you just asked a question and asked for help. sorry i could not be a lot of assistance. but i'm sure you'll figure it out.

09-26-2006, 10:39 PM
You will have to dress around the firearm depending on what you are carrying? You will also need to spend some hard earned cash on a good concealed carry holster. Many makers out there provide good holsters, but some that come to mind are Milt Sparks, Galco, and Comp-Tac. There are many others that are great as well. But these tend to be my choices. Also the style of carry, I prefer in the waist band at about 3:30 to 4:00 clock. Esox357.

09-26-2006, 11:07 PM
The gang here likes to give me grief about it at times but all in good fun....I would recommend ThunderWear. It's an underwear type device that straps over your underwear but under your pants. Pleated pants help in concealment but wearing a relaxed fit jean makes their use possible.

You can find them on ebaY.

09-26-2006, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by TreeDoc
The gang here likes to give me grief about it at times but all in good fun....I would recommend ThunderWear. It's an underwear type device that straps over your underwear but under your pants. Pleated pants help in concealment but wearing a relaxed fit jean makes their use possible.

You can find them on ebaY.

hey doc

ain't gonna give you any grief about your briefs. the only problem i have with the thunderwear is they are deep concealment.

there is also a company that makes a elastic style shirt, i believe it's kramer, that has a holster for underarm style carry, or shoulder style if you may.

although the equipment don't get used as much anymore it still gives me the willies to have my sidearm pointed towards the family jewels.:eek:

09-27-2006, 12:30 AM
High Noon Holsters makes an inside the waistband type holster that is designed for the shirt to be tucked in OVER the handgun- leaving only a black metal clip showing.
That's one possible solution.
An ankle holster is another.
There are also pocket holsters for some small handguns.
Or, you can dress like Tree Doc ;)

Adam Helmer
09-27-2006, 01:47 PM

Welcome to the Forum. What are you trying to conceal; specifically what is the gun you contemplate concealing? Jack had an easy choice, the ankle holster. You might consider a fanny pack that could conceal your gun, but wear it with the pouch in front for easy access.

If you are carrying a derringer or Chief's Special, you could put it in your front pocket. You should be able to wear an inside the belt holster for a small or medium size handgun. If your current handgun is too large to conceal, consider a smaller gun. How do you carry your handgun when you walk the dog? Hope this helps.


Andy L
09-27-2006, 02:12 PM
The past year or so, I have been carrying a Taurus PT145, loaded with 11 45ACP, in a Galco belt slide holster. It rides high and is canted forward. This puts the end of the muzzle just at the bottom of my belt. I wear it at about 4 oclock. I wear tall size shirts and leave the tail out. Havent had a problem.

If Im wearing shorts, I normally just pop my little Bobcat 22lr in my pocket and call it good. Better than a rock....


09-27-2006, 05:47 PM
Billy you crack me up:D "Thunderwear", where no gun has gone before! Billy picture yourself in a public restroom standing in front of urinal. Ok TreeDoc step in now and explain the procedure:p
TD you just had to bring up the Thunderwear thing again:D

Andy L
09-27-2006, 06:24 PM
As was told to me by another, " I would be afraid in the heat of battle I would go for my Combat Commander and get my snubnose. " :D

TD, do you really like packin iron in the toolshed? :D

09-27-2006, 06:46 PM
You to Andy:D :D :D :D

Adam Helmer
09-28-2006, 04:06 PM

What gun are you trying to conceal?

You have cool and cold weather in Kingsport, TN at least a good part of the year, so wear a vest or outer jacket during that time frame.

As for Summer and warm days, you might consider wearing your shirt out of your belt line or get a smaller gun.


10-01-2006, 03:31 PM
You can look on the internet for a pocket holster if you carry a J frame snub, or a Walther .380 style gun. I carry my J frame snub, apendix style (mexican carry) in a inside waistband holster.

I carry my Glock19 or 1911 at 3:00-4:00 in a inside waistband holster, with a untucked button up shirt as a cover garment.

10-01-2006, 08:22 PM
I also recommend the Thunderwear. Don't knock it till you try it. Using a public restroom is not a problem. Just use a stall.

10-06-2006, 11:23 AM
I have an IMI Jericho 941 in 9 MM. I love it but my RA is making me think I need to go to a smaller gun.
That Canadian Co. from Toronto makes a very expensive but small 9 MM and .40 cal.
I used to have a .380 in a very light frame but I thought it kicked like hell. Do the real little 9 MM's and .40's kick like that too?
After dark I can put a snub nose .38 in a fanny pack and do ok.

10-06-2006, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by MarkL
I also recommend the Thunderwear. Don't knock it till you try it. Using a public restroom is not a problem. Just use a stall.

You see, guys? Another smart man that has come to his senses over fashionable undergarments! :p :D

10-06-2006, 11:35 PM
FireMed, a 9MM or a 40 is going to kick significantly more than a 380, if the gun is the same weight.
Light guns kick more than heavy guns, no way around it.

12-06-2006, 01:01 PM
Also not to be a wise guy, there seems to be three major choices:

1. Adopt a gun that will fit your current dress style (you did not say if your shirt tail tucked in or out). There are several options here. It does not necessarily limit you to a "pea-shooter".

2. Decide what firearm is best to stake your life on and then dress around it (it might surprise you when you actually look at your options).

3. Continue to go virtually unarmed. The likelihood of success against today's extremely violent social predators is greatly diminished of course.

I don’t make recommendations, one has to work out their own salvation. I am happy to discuss the field with folks though to help them work through the process given their own peculiar set of circumstances.

I don’t normally wear just the wardrobe you have described but I have on occasion. On those occasions I always have a minimum of 3 sidearms: 1. the primary which is a 1911 .45 about 99% of the time. A backup gun (BUG) which is normally another 1911 or a LW Commander and a "hideout" which is normally a S&W 640 in .357 magnum. Naturally, not being overly large (about 180 lbs) my shirt has to blouse a little and I wear IWB type holsters with that shirt (My normal hot summer dress would be a mesh vest or an open front "Hawaiian" shirt with a dark T-shirt under it.) Or a short sleeve khaki "safari shirt" over the dark T. With those clothes either one or both big guns are carried in OWB holsters.

This is not some sort of "one-upmanship", I came to it over a long period of study and found that I was running across a lot of people who were shot in the gun, hand or gun arm during a fight (in the FBI shootout 2/3 of the participants were hit in one of those).

By no means do I look down my nose at folks who only carry one gun, it is their choice.

When you are new to this sort of thing you tend to feel that a gun is like a hot lump of coal sitting there on your waist and that there are flashing neon lights pointing it out to everyone around you but you will soon learn that if you adopt serious holsters and gear that no one will notice.

Personally, I would find someone who knows what they are doing and go shoot with them. Or, find a reputable instructor and take a class. There is a world of opinion out there - take 3 or 4 classes! By the time you are through, you will have some idea of what to carry.

Best of luck in your quest!

Andy L
12-09-2006, 08:07 AM
Treedoc, is quickdraw a problem with Thunderwear? Ever worry about the safety maybe rubbing against something and coming off? An accidental discharge could be more of a problem that normal due to the weapons location.

What about if you, lets see how to put this, get excited? Has it ever went off?

Im sorry, just curious about this iorn in the toolshed thing. It just dont seem right. I can see too much room for severe error. :eek:

12-09-2006, 01:20 PM
That's why it's called THUNDERWEAR from accidental discharges:D