View Full Version : Outside the USA

09-27-2006, 11:26 AM
Just listened to a man talking about his cancer treatment. He had to go to Japan to get it. It is working for him. Now the funny side of his story if there is one is the treatment was developed here in the USA. The FDA says it isn't out yet because they don't know the ...long term effect.....of it. So lets see, you can get a cure for what is going to kill you in a few months but can't get it because they don't know the long term effect of the drug...Well who is going to be around long enough to find out?....Just more proof we have too many government agencies to deal with.

09-27-2006, 02:36 PM
A friend of mine in High School's grandfather head a treatment in the '60s for clogged arteries. It took him two months of IV's (Every day for the first week then once a week after that) to clear it up. The treatment has not been approved for mainstream use in the US yet for the same reason. I know of A doctor here in town offering it, and I know of several guys who where "terminal" that now are clear and free (One of which had to go back every week for a year. . . . but hey he says he feels better than he has in the last 30 years)

Insurance companies won't way for it. And Doctors say it doesn't work. I know of ALOT of people it worked on.

Why wouldn't they approve it you ask? The treatment (That coincedently was created in WWII to treat lead poisoning in ship painters) was developed by the government. The Doctors who DO perform it consider it to be overpriced because of limited usage. . . . it costs $100 a treatment. . . . lets see for a terminal case for someone like my friend? 2 weeks of every day ($1400) then once a week for a year afterwards ($5200) = $6700. . . . . And heart surgery or angiooplasty costs what? $130k + ?? Yeah I bet it ain't proven yet. . . .


Tall Shadow
09-27-2006, 03:46 PM
Every time I see, or hear of a story like this one, I think back to when my mom was alive.

She was a RN, and had been since she graduated nursing collage in 1951. She had worked for the Health department, as a ward/floor nurse, surgical nurse, industrial nurse and finally for the VNA.

She told me that when she was in class (for nursing) cancer was "Known" to be caused by a virus...This was the accepted "Truth" of the day.

She also, having taken care of numerous terminal, or near terminal patients, was convinced that there would NEVER be a "Cure" for Cancer or AIDS......Treatment(s) yes, but never a cure. When I, shocked at this, asked why she thought that way, she replied...."The medical field would never survive if they cured the worlds major Ills. They will "Treat" them, but never cure them....If you cure a cancer patient, the money stops coming in....and Money is what the medical field is all about!"

She thought that way until the day she passed away.

Sometimes, I wonder just how right she was.

Tall Shadow

09-27-2006, 09:03 PM
Well the lady knew what she was talking about.