View Full Version : bad start to my archery season

09-27-2006, 10:43 PM
Well after my Grandad Passed and I went back to work for a day I have now been out of work for almost two more weeks straight sick as a dog.

Been to the Emergency room 3 times and also seen 3 other Doctors and until just today I wasn't any better, and didn't know what was wrong with me for sure???

Naseua Vomitting, fever, Deer season for bow started the 15th and I haven't made it out yet.

Just today I finally got diagnosed (after almost two weeks of straight throwing up every day and night)

Diagnosed with Colitis and Diverticulitis.

Believe me when I tell you it is not picnic.

Still a little naseau but better than before. Doctor says if the vomitting continues after tomorrow I will have to be admitted to the hospital......

Well thanks for letting me have my little pity party. I am done now,

09-27-2006, 11:50 PM
Damadman: Sorry to hear about your problems. Take care of yourself. Prayers are being sent from mine to yours.

09-28-2006, 12:01 AM
Definitely not good news. Obviously, I hope everything turns out okay for you and I am really sorry to hear about your grandfather. I know you have written about him several times on here.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out.

10-03-2006, 06:16 AM
Sure hate to see a man down..good luck but have faith in the Dr's..My wife has Crohn's and it is a wonder now days what they can do to help ya out...just listen to them...get well!

10-10-2006, 04:15 PM
Well I wound up being admitted to one of the big teaching hospitals in Washington D.C. Still don't know any more than we knew before though.

Idunno how people with Crohn's live like they do. Then again the one hospital did give me an anti nausea med that worked really well.

I would rather be shot with a shotgun than be Nauseous. man that feeling is a killer. Man what a weight loss program. Can't keep it in ya it won't put any weight on you, that's for sure.

Anyway just came back to work today. Feeling pretty good most of the day, get tired and run down quick. Then eat a couple mouthfuls of food and back up and away for a few hours.

Still feeling 500% better than I did end of last week.

I still don't believe they know what the overall cause was.
Urine infection, blood infection, Viral Bug, Heart problem, were all reasons that were mentioned. I finally quite taking the antibiotic that was tearing my stomach to hell and started taking a different antibiotic and I have felt great ever since.

Well thanks for the well wishes folks, hopefully I am back on the right track and will be out in the woods soon enough.

M.T. Pockets
10-11-2006, 08:22 AM
Best wishes for good health to you. There's plenty of season left and I hope you get in on it feeling better.