View Full Version : what suggestions do you have?
09-30-2006, 10:20 PM
i have a limited budget (about $600), and i am looking for the perfect gun.
what i want is a .45 semiauto, no bigger than commander size ( i am short and have small hands), that is either single action or something along the lines of the para light double action. i really don't like the double action pull of the first shot, plus i simply can't hit anything double action, while i do fairly well shooting single action.
i saw a rock island armory commander for $370, but at the time i had never heard of rock island, and had no idea what kind of quality they are.
i had a ruger 345, which i really liked except for 2 things; the double action pull of the first shot, and the fact that my support hand thumb kept hitting the magazine release button (not a good thing).
what do y'all suggest? am i limited strictly to single-action guns, or are there others out there available similar to the light double action of para-ordnance? what brands are pretty good quality, but affordable? i do reload, but i'm a beginner, so i need something that willl digest alot of different ammo out of the box.
any suggestions?
10-01-2006, 12:27 AM
welcome to the forum. hope you enjoy yourself here.
i read two articles about rock island recently and both articles gave rock island 45's excellent marks. they are not target pistols but both were more than serviceable.
the groups i read about were in the serviceable range, 2>4" at 25 yds. most were between 2&3" but the gun didn't like a couple of brands of ammo.
i don't know whether the rock island they were talking about is the same r/a that was an armory during wartime and produced '03s and m-1's or not.
as far as a good load, the 185gr nosler h/p and 4.5 grs of bullseye with a cci primer worked great for me. as usual, start your charge lower and work up. your mileage may vary.
i don't know whether auto ordinance still manufactures 45's or not but they would be a good place to look for a servie pistol also.
good luck.
10-01-2006, 10:25 AM
Rock Island guns are fine, but certainly not your only option. The Commander guns have the same grip diameter (shorter length) as the other sized 1911's. Unless weight is an issue, longer barreled guns are usually easier to shoot well for accuracy. The longer barreled 1911's are slightly more reliable out of the box as well. You can also get full sized guns with alloy frames to match the weight of an all steel Commander.
Many of the base guns made by Kimber and Springfield Armory would come close to your price range (My carry piece is a Stainless Aluminum framed Kimber Compact I bought used for $400) . What is important is that the gun has most of the options you want already.
1911 gunsmiths abound most everywhere and you can take most base guns and build up to match standards should you wish. Magwells, grips, safeties and even hammer sear packages are easy to install by yourself (and get drop in pulls down to 3lbs). I recommend that the gun have a beavertail grip safety already installed though....blending the frame to install a high hand grip safety is not for newbies....same with installing a match barrel.
10-01-2006, 03:50 PM
.The Commander guns have the same grip diameter (shorter length) as the other sized 1911's. Unless weight is an issue, longer barreled guns are usually easier to shoot well for accuracy. The longer barreled 1911's are slightly more reliable out of the box as well. I couldnt agree more.
I would save a few more $$$ to get a Springfield armory .45 (not the 3" 1911, their reliability is hit or miss). Springfield has an outstanding warenty that has been a life saver for me.
Or you could try a Glock 38. The Glock 38 in chambered for the .45GAP not .45ACP, but ballistically identical. The .45GAP cartrage was disigned for peoplw with smaller hands. The Glock trigger looks like a double action, but is more of a two stage pull.
10-01-2006, 05:16 PM
thanks for the suggestions, and the welcome.
i figure a commander size or smaller simply because being 5'4", it is hard to conceal any gun, much less a larger one.
i appreciate the suggestions, but i am in an isolated area. i want something that works now, without the aid of a gunsmith. i have no desire to compete, simply to shoot cans and enjoy, plus to use as a carry weapon in case i have to shoot something besides cans. i am really a revolver person, but i would like to own ONE semi-auto in .45.
i have shot glocks before, but i can't seem to hit as well with them as i do other guns. (plus, they are really ugly, and expensive).
i have heard that rock island is owned by the same family that owns springfield.
i had also read something about sigs having a semi-auto that had a different type of trigger, but then again, sigs are usually out of my price range.
rock island and springfield sound like they might fit the bill; maybe a kimber if i can find one used. i have never run into anyone that wanted to get rid of theirs, though, and i keep hearing that they
are really picky about ammo. i need to be able to fire my own reloads through it, and i am not a very experienced reloader.
thanks a lot for your suggestions.
10-01-2006, 06:12 PM
For concealment the Commander sized gun is fine. Break her in with full metal jacket rounds and run a few hundred through her. Keep the rails lubed.
IMHO, te two most common areas that can cause a malfunction in a 1911 are:
(a) bad magazines/springs.
(b) too much/too little extractor tension.
The 1911 should through empty brass about 6-8' from you. Too little tension and the gun will dribble out brass and occasionally leave one in the chamber. Too much and the gun tosses brass a mile and will occasionally stall a fresh round on the ramp. The good news is that the extractor is easily adjusted.
10-01-2006, 09:36 PM
lycanthrope -
good information to know. thanks.
10-26-2006, 10:48 PM
I think it is difficult to beat the j-frame .38 Special as a CCW weapon. They are well within your price range. With the leftover money you could buy a lot of prctice ammo.
10-31-2006, 07:46 AM
The hardest thing to conceal on any gun is the grip. A commander, full size gov't or or any other handgun the problem is the same. Some people confuse weight with concealability.
What ever you chose it is the holster and belt that makes the difference. IMHO for the price range you're looking at , buy a good used handgun that you are comfortable with and can shoot well and invest $100 in a good carry rig.
Skinny Shooter
10-31-2006, 09:02 AM
Look into a Springfield Armory XD in 45GAP which will keep you under your budget. It is a cartridge designed to fit in 9mm/40S&W sized frames with ballistics almost identical to the 45acp.
The gun is good to go right out of the box. It has a grip safety and points naturally like a 1911.
Andy L
10-31-2006, 03:18 PM
Ive been packing a Taurus PT145 the last several months. I love it. Easily concealed, shoots good and 11 round capacity. I think I gave $360, plus or minus, for it.
Havent found another gun I like as well as it for an everyday carry weapon. Pretty good for a 45ACP.
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