View Full Version : Bore fouling question..

10-04-2006, 03:55 PM
Here is an interesting one for you all....I have a Weatherby Vanguard in .308..24" tube. After a through cleaning, it takes 6 shots or so for it to shoot where it is sighted in at. The balance of my rifles shoot where they are supposed to after 1 fouling shot, EXCEPT this one. Any ideas..?? Its is fairly new, less than 200 rounds thru it.

All input is appreciated.

10-05-2006, 10:47 AM
Ken, can you describe what the rifle does for those first 6 shots before it goes to the zero?

10-05-2006, 11:21 AM
the gun shoots high for the first 2 or 3 and groups poorly.after a few groups (3 shot) it goes back to here it should and the groups improve. They stay that way throughout the shooting session.

10-06-2006, 08:11 AM
Are you fouling with copper or just dirt. If it`s copper fouling that much you probibly have a very rough bore and lapping the bore should help, or you can just keep shooting it and it will work itself out. I did have a .250 barrel that would not shoot out and I fire lapped after abt. 500 rounds befor I could get it to shoot at all. But if yours will group after 6 shots it shoult shoot itself out. I also might help to use Flit or JB Bore Paste when cleaning to speed the rifle in settleing down.