View Full Version : Hound Pics

10-12-2006, 09:01 AM
Suzy is the bassett to yer right...she is a rabbit huntin fool and to the left is Zeke..her son bred with a warfield red 13" beagle. This'll be his first year out. Because he's so tall..he's run with the big dogs..but he's a fast learner. In the background is smokey..another pup. They're in a large runnin lot seperated from the main kennel while they are learnin...Suzy is their teacher so to speak...she is a great example for the pups on simple things like not jumpin up on people and basic commands. The lot is great for keepin pups in a enclosed area for basic trainin as i call it.

10-12-2006, 09:11 AM
This here is Scooter..my 14 year old beagle. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old...and I love that dog plum to death.
She's been to many fun hunts and trials, me and her have been through everythin together. I been tryin to retire her fer the past 2 years...but she will have no parts of it. She lays around the house most days but I caint slip by her to go huntin. I can just be movin guns er cleanin em and she gits so riled and wantin to go she gits clumsy lol...she's a trip.
She onry too..and has so much personality you wouldnt believe it. My son was about 6 yrs old when he decided to tease her with a pork chop bone. Since he never let her have it...she decided to go in his room and take a big ole crap square in the middle of his piller. You couldnt've aimed anythin as good as she aimed that pile of crap...lmao
Fer her age she is in good shape with the exception of her weight and she is now startin to git arthritis in her front shoulders but the vet said that it's controllable fer now.
God bless that beagle..she is truly one of a kind.

I'll have to go take pics of the rest of the dogs too...might git to that later today er this weekend.

10-12-2006, 10:35 AM
Pretty dogs Lilred. Wish I had some pics I coould post. Hard to beat thiose things though! Every one of them has it's own personality and tons of stories to go with them

rick savage
10-12-2006, 12:53 PM
good looking dogs

10-12-2006, 04:54 PM
I love hounds , great pics! Got 3 beagles myself.