View Full Version : Yard Sale Find

10-15-2006, 12:31 AM
Wasn't too interested in finding another rifle but found a really nice Savage 340 rifle in 30-30. Exc condition and the price was 125 bucks so I had to buy the darn thing. Hard to mount a scope on but who really needs to. Also got 6 1/2 boxes of Winchester factory ammo for it for 20 bucks...30 cal ammo can included. And the guy has a really nice HEAVY maple bench with drawers that will make a really nice loading bench. He wanted 75 bucks for it but I'll see if he'll take 50. Big enough to mount the Dillon 550 and 650 and my Spolar shotshell reloader. Darn..I guess I'm just too cheap to buy new

Rocky Raab
10-15-2006, 09:52 AM
Skeet, if you look around a bit you can still find aperture sights for those 340s - it really adds a lot to the accuracy.

I got my 340 at a little gun show a few years ago, and I shoot nothing but cast bullets through it. I order gas-checked bullets from Leadhead Bullets in Kansas and load them to about 2000 fps. What a hoot to shoot!

Try 27.0 of W748. It seems to work well in most 30-30s.

10-15-2006, 10:55 AM
Thanks Rocky. I'll have to give that a try. Never used the 30-30 too much in the past. I did have a 788 Rem for a while. Someone got a bullet stuck in the bore and kinda messed the bore up with a wedged in 22 cleaning rod. Cleaned it up and it shot pretty darn good. But...you know how it is...someone wanted it a lot worse than I did..so it got gone. Actually I think I have a receiver sight for it in all the mess I have back in Maryland. I used to have one that I had on the hornet years ago. took it off and kept it when I put a scope on the darn thing. I also got a little Lyman box with 2 of the little round tins with the front sight inserts for target rifles. Paid a buck. Going to an auction today...they have a few box lots with reloading supplies in them. One has about 10 boxes of Nosler Partition bullets in the OLDER white boxes. and another has 8 boxes of new unfired 22 Hornet brass. Oh and yesterday I got a partial box of Winchester Silver tip bullets for reloading 270 Win. Also in a white flip top box. Collectible at the least and they cost me 25 cents. Watch out ebay!!

10-16-2006, 09:49 AM
Darnit Skeet! I aint found a deal in two months an yer makin my horse tradin hairs on the back of my neck stand up!!!!

Good find buddy.


Rocky Raab
10-16-2006, 10:14 AM
If ya got the Hornet brass, think of me before you think of eBay!

10-16-2006, 09:54 PM
I forgot to mention at the same time I got the Savage I also bought a NEF single shot 12 ga NIB. Price was right on that too. I got the reloading and shooting stuff at the auction...I got 6 boxes of Remington 130 gr corelokt ammo for the 270...2 boxes of Winchester 250 Savage ammo(Silvertips too)..couple boxes of Rem 150 gr 06 ammo..two boxes of 12 ga 7 1/2 trap loads..and old box of 1 oz Rem paper 20's and a whole bunch of collectible reloading stuff. Also got a really nice homemade range box for carrying stuff. Paid a little much though..35 bucks for it all. Oh Rocky..Remember the old Dupont powder cans with the little screw caps?? Got 4 cans of powder(old) with the mess in those cans. One is a can of Dupont bulk smokeless. That stuff is even older than us!! I hope:D

Rocky Raab
10-16-2006, 10:12 PM
Unopened Dupont powder cans?

Let's just say you paid for it all right there, bud. I haven't done a search for them yet, but I'd be willing to bet they're worth a goodly chunk o'change.

10-19-2006, 11:45 PM
i've managed a couple deals this year,im so itchy i'm tempted to
haggle with a guy for his ruger super blackhawk. only trouble,
is how do i explain another safe to the chief.

Mickey Rat
10-21-2006, 10:44 PM
I bought a 340 on line. By the time it arrived I had a scope mount for it (35.00..OUCH) but it wasn't drilled & tapped for a scope. I late bought a 840 and it was on. I was out to find the ultimate high-speed spitzer load. No soap. Use the bullets it (30-30) was made for. Mine is extreamly acccurate with 150 gr gas check bullets cast in a Lee mold.

10-23-2006, 01:54 PM
Picked up a .30-06 Mauser for $25 at a yard sale one time. Had a scope on it too.

Picked up a Lee loader, several RCBS dies, thousands of pistol cases, about 10 opened but mostly full cans of various powders and some other stuff for $20 another time. Normally I wouldn't touch an opened can of powder, but the guy showed me his reloading room. It would have put most operating rooms to shame for cleanliness. The guy had been a compettitve shooter, but was getting old and arthritis was creeping in. He also had a Browning sweet sixteen shotgun for sale. That wasn't too cheap and I passed on it. Probably should have snagged it though.