View Full Version : Sabot Seating

10-20-2006, 01:19 PM
New to muzzleloading. Been working up loads for my Encore 50 using loose T/7 and pellets. Seating bullets with sabots is a real chore. I really have to push on the rod to get it done; doubt I could get it done in time for a follow up shot.
Here's what I am doing: Clean barrel with patch soaked in water/Simple Green mix. Dry with two patches. Reload.
Powerbelts seat fairly easily. But 245 gr Barnes Expander MX and 300 gr Hornady SST ML's are very hard to push down. Nearly have to stand on the rod to get them down.

What should I change? And advice is appreciated.

10-20-2006, 04:55 PM
Don't know what the problem is.. I used the 250g SST this fall to take 2 mulie does, shot the first one, reloaded and shot the second one. I had no problem at all seating the sabot.

I am using 777 loose powder too, so things are similar. My bore might be slightly larger is all I can think of.

rem 700
10-20-2006, 11:49 PM
Perhaps try #13 T/C bore cleaner. I recommend buying the pre-wet patches and using both sides of it.

10-21-2006, 01:09 AM

go ahead and clean with the simple green if you want but season with bore butter, thats what i do. Most times i just fire with bore butter and keep shooting till things get really funky.

Watch out on those follow up shots, seen a fellow out at the range about a week ago who fired and immediately reloaded and while he was dumping the powder in it lit. Should have heard the cuss words. My virgin ears were offended. lol

i also use saboted slugs and have no trouble sliding them down the bore.

are you absolutely sure you have the right sized sabots? I don't know how 777 works as i have not used it.......yet. I use prrodex and clear shot. Even with a slightly dirty bore you shouldn't have to put that much pressure on the rod.

10-21-2006, 10:56 AM
I would try a different sabot/bullet combo.

10-21-2006, 06:17 PM
I agree with Jack, your sabot combination is too tight.

Aloha... :cool:

10-25-2006, 08:11 PM
Turnes out it was just a matter of lubrication. Switched to a commercial cleaner, dried then lightly applied Bore Butter and they all seated well. I'm guessing that the Simple Green cleans to well, including any seasoning I may have had from the previous end-of-day cleaning. But, it's now sighted with three different bullet options so I'll leave well enought alone and use this routine in the field. Thanks all.

10-25-2006, 08:33 PM
Glad ya got her fingered out. That simple green must really clean and dry out the bore. I love that bore butter. Thompson also sells pre- saturated cleaning patches.

Nice and handy for the field, just place a few in a plastic baggie and put in your possibles bag.

Good hunting.

Ridge Runner
12-27-2006, 10:33 PM
try the traditions APB sabot, they load pretty easy in my TC and shoot great!

Bret Andrysiak
07-20-2008, 08:03 AM
I had follow up shot problems like yours.
I switched from the TC black plastic sabots to the new yellow ones and problem solved.

This is not to imply or admit that I have EVER needed a second shot out in the field LOL