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View Full Version : Where are the custom bullet makers?

10-24-2006, 09:20 AM
What happened to all the custom bullet makers--Armfield, Northern Precision, North Fork, etc. I presume some have retired or passed away but is the availabilty of corebonded ammo from the major suppliers made this business unprofitable?

Mike Moss
10-26-2006, 08:04 PM
Sure now Nosler and Hornady have bonded cores. Trophy bonded is loaded by Federal or somebody.

Also the mono bullets are catching on.

10-27-2006, 09:39 AM
There are still several custom bullet makers out there. What cal. bullets are you looking for?

10-27-2006, 10:41 AM
I have some great bonded, 300 grain bullets with a poly ball in the tip for my 416 that came from Northern Precision. I have them downloaded with H4895 (60% of Max recommended rate) to try on deer and hogs so I'm hoping he is still in business or someone else is making up similar bullets. Wouldn't need to be bonded for deer--probably not for hogs. Love the round poly ball, though--keeps the tips from being flattened in the clip with recoil.

12-23-2006, 09:45 AM
How can I be of service?

Rocky Raab
12-23-2006, 10:53 AM
I was about to reply (facetiously) that some defunct bullet makers priced their product as though the bullets were made of gold.

Then I got to wondering...what would a bullet cost if it WERE worth its weight in gold. Some quick Googling and we have the answer:

Your common 180-grain hunting bullet priced as if it were gold would run you right at $15.98



12-23-2006, 01:29 PM
Your common 180-grain hunting bullet priced as if it were gold would run you right at $15.98

Hope you don't do your own taxes. ;) LoL

At 20 bucks US a gram and as about 11.6 grams equal 180 grains the cost of materials alone are around $240.00 per bullet.

Rocky Raab
12-23-2006, 03:03 PM
err...um...ounces and ahh...avoirdu-something, and umm...divided by uh...

Oh shucks. Maybe my accountant could do a better job.

(Rocky slinks away, red-faced.) :o

12-25-2006, 07:42 AM
I guess that's the reason the Lone Ranger used silver bullets.:D :rolleyes:

Mike Moss
12-25-2006, 09:54 PM

I have a question for you about a theory I have come up with on why there are so many complaints about Barnes X bulletes "penciling thru" or not expanding.

As far as I know you make similar bullets to the X's in that you use a hollow point in solid copper based metal to expand the bullet.

My idea is that the hollow point gets damaged somehow and closed in some. There for nothing tears open on impact and the monolitic bullet does not expand. However with a conventional lead filled bullet the lead is weak underneath and the bullet expands anyway if if it had a hollow point which few do.



Rocky Raab
12-26-2006, 08:48 AM
Mike, what happens is that the Barnes bullets perform exactly as designed - but that isn't what the shooter expects to see, so he claims the bullet "failed."

Barnes (and possibly other monolithic copper bullets) don't produce the classic "mushroom" that cup/core bullets do. Instead, they work by opening up sharp petals or blades that slice through the animal's vital organs. Mushroom bullets plow through organs like a blunt object, copper bullets slice through like a 3,000fps broadhead.

12-26-2006, 11:11 AM
Hello All,

There use to be a -net company called "Groovy Bullets" (all copper HP's.) They performed flawlessly in the calibers that I loaded for. I guess they went belly up well over a year ago? I've not been able to find them any more:(

Anyone know what happened to them?


12-31-2006, 03:55 PM
Wildcatbullets .com

Mike Moss
01-13-2007, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Mike Moss

I have a question for you about a theory I have come up with on why there are so many complaints about Barnes X bulletes "penciling thru" or not expanding.

As far as I know you make similar bullets to the X's in that you use a hollow point in solid copper based metal to expand the bullet.

My idea is that the hollow point gets damaged somehow and closed in some. There for nothing tears open on impact and the monolitic bullet does not expand. However with a conventional lead filled bullet the lead is weak underneath and the bullet expands anyway if if it had a hollow point which few do.



I was looking forward to Gerard answering the question.

01-13-2007, 01:18 PM
X2..........Wildcat Bullets


01-15-2007, 10:23 AM
Thanks for the info Skyline but the last time I tried to order bullets from Canada they were intercepted by customs and I had them sent back. This wasn't loaded ammo--just hunting bullets. When I protested this to the customs agent he came back with something snippy like "Well you could shoot someone with them, couldn't you?"

I should have noted there was a Wall Mart around the corner if I was that crazy but I take it you don't want to mess with Customs.

Skinny Shooter
01-15-2007, 11:07 AM
You should have no problems getting an order from Richard at Wildcat Bullets.
Many Americans including myself are getting shipments without customs interference.

01-17-2007, 10:59 AM
Yes, I think you just hit someone that doesn't know what they are talking about. As mentioned Richard ships to the US all the time.

It's unfortunate, but not all customs agents are created equally and that goes both ways.:rolleyes:

Mike Moss
01-26-2007, 09:57 PM
quote:Originally posted by Mike Moss

I have a question for you about a theory I have come up with on why there are so many complaints about Barnes X bulletes "penciling thru" or not expanding.

As far as I know you make similar bullets to the X's in that you use a hollow point in solid copper based metal to expand the bullet.

My idea is that the hollow point gets damaged somehow and closed in some. There for nothing tears open on impact and the monolitic bullet does not expand. However with a conventional lead filled bullet the lead is weak underneath and the bullet expands anyway if if it had a hollow point which few do.



I was looking forward to Gerard answering the question.


01-26-2007, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Rocky Raab
Mike, what happens is that the Barnes bullets perform exactly as designed - but that isn't what the shooter expects to see, so he claims the bullet "failed."

Barnes (and possibly other monolithic copper bullets) don't produce the classic "mushroom" that cup/core bullets do. Instead, they work by opening up sharp petals or blades that slice through the animal's vital organs. Mushroom bullets plow through organs like a blunt object, copper bullets slice through like a 3,000fps broadhead.

Outstanding explanation. My faith in you is restored oh "great" one.

After the Gold post I was begining to waiver a bit. ;)

I shot a Goat last year that the 130gr Barnes hit in the right rear rib cage and went all the way through and exited the front left shoulder. The bullet never stopped to say howdy and was headed toward eastern Montana somewhere. Now thats performance. The Goat got very sick and tipped over.

Best wishes, Bill

Mike Moss
01-27-2007, 11:41 AM
Sorry but I don't find Rocky's post to be even directed to my question!

I would appreciate my question being answered.

Mike Moss
03-04-2007, 11:12 AM
Seems to me from the lack of a reply that I have struck on the problem with the mono bullets not always expanding.

03-04-2007, 03:47 PM
I can't comment as I have not had the problem occur with any Barnes bullets I have used or that I have seen used. I hear about this all the time but have not personally witnessed it.

03-04-2007, 07:33 PM
"My idea is that the hollow point gets damaged somehow and closed in some. There for nothing tears open on impact and the monolitic bullet does not expand. However with a conventional lead filled bullet the lead is weak underneath and the bullet expands anyway if if it had a hollow point which few do. "
I don't have enough real world game experience with Barnes bullets to answer that re Barnes bullets.
But, I have shot a lot of lead core hollow point varmint bullets thru woodchucks, foxes, etc. I can tell you that some hollow point varmint bullets have had the hollow tip close. When that happened, the bullet did NOT expand- it penciled thru.
I wasn't sure that was what was going on until I dug a few out of the ground- not fun, but illuminating.
Happened to me with 22 caliber match HP's- and often enough not to be a fluke.
I will say, it happened quite a few years ago, and my only experience with the hollow points closing was with match bullets.

08-06-2007, 05:26 PM
My apologies for not making a reply in good time. We upgraded PCs and went from Win 98 to Win XP as well as changing browsers from IE to Firefox. In the process, my bookmarks bit the dust. Today I got a heads up about this thread by email.

You will appreciate that I am reluctant to comment on other brands as every manufacturer decides where they want to be in the compromise of design/cost/failure rate.

The GS Custom position is set out on our website in the FAQ section under "Expansion and Weight Retention". I will be happy to answer specific questions about GSC bullets as long as this complies with forum rules.

08-07-2007, 11:03 PM
NIce information in this thread.

on a related note, does anyone know of a decent pistol custom bullet manufacturer?

Pref in the U.S., but if not no biggie.

I'm looking for 10mm softpoint bullets.
I've looked for years, and to my knowledge they dont exist.
When i've asked, people say " well SP's are only for hunting", ....DUH, thats what i want them for!

For the moment i've been using either hornady XTP's with my own loads, or factory Golddots. but i'd really like to see how SP's would work.

any infor or ideas appreciated.

Mike Moss
08-16-2007, 08:40 PM

Thank you for your reply. I have also read your reply in another format and you stated that only one instance of an unexpanded bullet has occured.

Since that must be from thousands and thousands of animals shot it must not be any large concern. It was a theory of mine.

I see that you have a USA distributor and some bullets are in stock. I had not know that.
