View Full Version : Lyman turbo tumbler 1200

10-25-2006, 04:12 PM
Just got one, brand new display model :D:D

Gotta love ebay! Got it for less than half of what a "Brand new" one would cost me from wholesalesports....

So what do people suggest as use for media, additives etc??

Need to find an "instruction manual" for the thing tho....gonna go check Lymans website :D:D

Rocky Raab
10-25-2006, 04:48 PM
You can use corn cob or crushed walnut shells for media, and for most routine cleaning, you don't need any additives at all.

(For media on the cheap, go to a pet supply store and get a bag of crushed walnut shell. Much cheaper than from a reloading supply place.)

10-25-2006, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Rocky Raab
You can use corn cob or crushed walnut shells for media, and for most routine cleaning, you don't need any additives at all.

(For media on the cheap, go to a pet supply store and get a bag of crushed walnut shell. Much cheaper than from a reloading supply place.)

I already knew about the cheap media ;)

Gonna throw soem stuff in there in a bit and check er all out!!

I just noticed that they never sent the black bowl with the tumbler, guess that got lost somewhere :D

10-25-2006, 06:49 PM
I have a Lyman tumbler, too, and it's performed just great for me.
I get media on sale when I see it- corn cob or walnut hulls, I don't care.
If you get cheap media, you don't feel bad about changing it :D
I don't use additives at all- just the media. Works for me.

10-25-2006, 07:31 PM
Ya, got soem brass in there now to check it out :D:D

Corn cob media, seems to be working nicely ;)

My kid wants to know if these things will polish stones?? :confused: