View Full Version : Afraid I got some bad news for all of us

10-28-2006, 07:26 AM
Here's what happened.

You can see my previous diary for Sen. Patrick Leahy's September 19 statement on what the legislation then before Congress would do. The Fiscal Year 2007 Defense Authorization Bill was envisioned as a bill that would strengthen the National Guard. With a sick sense of irony, the Bush Administration gutted this provision and replaced it with a "body snatcher" provision that represented "a sizable step toward weakening states' authority over their Guard units." The provision "mak[es] it easier for the President to declare martial law, stripping state governors of part of their authority over state National Guard units in domestic emergencies."

Here's an explanation for what this law does; the citation for which I'm omitting:

When the President invokes section 333 of chapter 15, he may involuntarily call to active duty members of the reserve components (not more than 200,000 Select Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve, of whom not more than 30,000 may be Individual Ready Reserve) for up to 365 days to conduct law enforcement activities in a disaster, accident, or catastrophe area and, if such incident involves a terrorist or WMD threat or attack, other response activities. In addition, the President may involuntarily call to active duty members of the reserve components to provide supplies, services, and equipment to persons affected by the disaster, accident, or catastrophe. As soon as practicable after invoking section 333 of chapter 15, the President must notify Congress of his determination to exercise this authority. However, within 24 hours of involuntarily calling to active duty members of the reserve components, the President must submit to Congress a report, in writing, setting forth the circumstances necessitating this action and describing the anticipated use of these members.

Alberto Gonzales could drive a tank through the vague language you see up there.

They did this in a very subtle way. It's hard to notice unless you're looking for it.

* Section 522 (House section 511) extends from 270 days to 365 days
the period for which the Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve may be involuntarily called to active duty.

* Section 1076 (Senate section 1042):

o Amends the "Insurrection Act" (i.e., Chapter 15 of title 10, U.S. Code) by:

§ Changing the title of chapter 15 of title 10, U.S. Code) from "Insurrection" to "Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order";

§ Changing the title of section 333 of chapter 15 from "Interference with State and Federal Law" to "Major Public Emergencies; Interference with State and Federal Law";

§ Clarifying the President's authority, under section 33 of chapter 15, to use the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal service, without a request from a State governor, to restore order and enforce Federal laws in cases where, as a result of a terrorist attack, epidemic, or natural disaster, public order has broken down; and

§ Including those who are obstructing the laws to the existing requirement for the President to issue a proclamation ordering insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

o Amends Chapter 152 of title 10, U.S. Code, to authorize, with certain limitations, the President, in any situation he determines to exercise the authority provided in section 333 of chapter 15, to direct the Secretary of Defense to provide supplies, services, and equipment (e.g., food, water, utilities, transportation, search and rescue, medical care, and other assistance necessary to save lives and property) to persons affected by the incident.

o Amends section 12304 of title 10, U.S. Code, eliminating the limitation imposed on the President's authority to involuntarily call to active duty members of the reserve components to perform law enforcement and other duties in response to serious natural or man-made disasters, accidents, or catastrophes to only those incidents involving terrorist or weapons of mass destruction threats or attacks.

So now the President can send troops from Tennessee to quash what he deems a threat to civil order in Oregon, even if the governors of Tennessee and Oregon both object.

This, by the way, is how the Chinese - whose approach to government and party building Bush seems so much to admire - broke up the protests in Tienanmen Square. They brought in troops from the provinces who knew nothing about what the protest was about, but knew that if they were ordered to shoot, they had to shoot.

Such small changes to the law. Such a huge result. Imposition of federal martial law, using state troops, over the objection of the states.

(This went into official effect yesterday in a private ceremony in the Oval Office)


10-28-2006, 03:47 PM
Sounds a lil bit like it's 1861 all over again dont it? :rolleyes:

10-28-2006, 05:18 PM
Man this little ditty along with the Military Commissions Act is a lot of power to the politicos. Talk about having your subjects by the "short hairs". According to the Commissions Act Manifesto you or I can be charged as a terrorist at any time for any reason without habeas corpus.

I'm getting to the point I'll be glad to see this administration go out the door. W is in charge of "Camp Run Amuck". Unfortunately the "whole" Republican Party" will be held resposible. The subjects rights have gone the way of the Dodo. They have done a good job of protecting our second ammendment rights and it looks to me like we might need them in the future to pull in the reins of an out of control government. Perish the thought.

The Democrats don't have any answers to this quandry either. They would just give up the fight and give our enemies everything they want. "Consensus is a lack of leadership" as Maggie used to say.

We had better as citizens have a group "remove your head from your anal orifice day" or we are going to go down the tubes.

Rant mode off, back to normal broadcasting.

Would anyone like to discuss the merits of the 270 and the 30:06?

10-29-2006, 09:31 AM
Oh Billy, you dont want to know how that above action pained me so....I gotta tell ya I have been a Bush girl from day one...and I feel like I have been stabbed in the heart....but its not just by Bush, its the entire American political underbelly of our country...I am sitting outside the other day and I am taken back in my mind when I was liquidating my parents estate.....a light went on about so many things, all the silver and Gold coins they had, I thought it was just a crazy , the ammo and weapons, the stockpiles of various things that I thought was just a bunch of crap I had to get rid of...all the land...and the cash hidden...it was amazing...now after all is said and done, my parents knew what the potential of reckless government could do...and what it would take to survive it......oh and the tornado shelter!!!!umm guess it wasnt for tornados after all uh? oh did I mention the dry goods in metal storage containers??????jeez....so much for ignorant southern people uh?
I stayed away from any callous comment about Bush for one simple reason, our troops....I remember the Vietnam war, I remember the protest, the troops getting off planes and some "hippie" as they called them back then, spitting on these guys and carrying signs that said Baby-Killer on them, the pain of that has never left me, and I never wanted to be part of any group that would remotely give our guys pause for thought as to why they were where they were...even as I write this, I rationialize the premise behind Iraq, because I cant tolerate one more body bag coming home with a question mark on it...But as I research and boy have I been researching and reading every current affair book I can get my mind around, I am finding so much "bad judgement" on so many aspects of Government, its hard to include Iraq as being of totally sound and strategic planning, oh what a tangled web we weave.....I will tell you though, my father had a brother who died in Korea, I never met him, but I miss him and I miss what could have been with him, and I know my father did, everyday of his life.....Korea as they say was a "standup war" ....I cant even imagine losing my son in this conflict and looking back thirty years later ....I am rambling sorry...

10-29-2006, 09:51 AM
PS got two little 7 footers last night, pristine hides, they will make some gorgeous belts, the wind was so bad I could throw connect and drift 50 yards ...got caught up on a fallen tree going after a ten footer, bent the cage up pretty good, had to get out of the boat and rock it off an area where it was caught up, my guy said "take the bangstick honey" he is right behind ya" not Valerie get your butt in the boat, not Valerie be careful, not Valerie dont back up two feet you'll step on him" oh no.....Valerie, hurry and grab the bangstick, we are not talking about even having the time to harpoon him, oh no....it was time to kill him, no s*** , anyway before I even grasped the situation he flipped around jumped under one of the branches we were caught on and gone..If he had turned the other way my legs would have been lifted up from under me....I dont want to think about anything worse...another Curley and Moe moment.....:D :eek:

10-29-2006, 05:45 PM

We are on the same page as far as the party sentiments go. Whats happening now makes me hurt.

And LILRED is absolutely right in her thoughts. President Lincoln did exactly the same thing only he was not dealing with islamo- fascists.

And please CYA while your chasing gators. Like I said before, yours are bigger than mine. ;)

10-29-2006, 06:19 PM
Don't you mean 1984 ..You know the book ..Big Brother is watching, etc.,...
All I know is that if our founding fathers could see the state the govenment and the US is in now they would absolutely roll over in their graves. Ben Franklin would cuss, and there would probably be another...What is that R word???
:cool: :rolleyes:
Hey, Big brother IS probably watching...

10-29-2006, 07:20 PM
ya gotta go a little further than voting, that doesnt seem to be the "end all" to our problems....do you know you can get fed up vote the creeps out of office they immediately go to work for lobbying firms because of all the contacts and grift they took while in office and become more of a powerhouse behind closed doors than they ever did in front ...really, and they are more dangerous than they were before....I personally love to watch them squander in office and slay them every day they are there...I have been after one guy since he set foot in Congress, you can bet he has no love lost for me...I made it my mission to follow the money and his love for the microphone, If its the last thing I do I will make sure he is nailed for corruption and fraud..you guys would love that one.....

10-29-2006, 07:46 PM
how 'bad' the news is, depends on your point of view. not everyone will agree with your analysis.

10-29-2006, 08:09 PM
Ya know ya'll...as fer as Iraq goes, we done made our bed...now we gotta sleep in it so to speak...but I tell ya what..anybody that I ever see spittin on one of our troops is gonna git a first-class ass whoopin and I aint afraid of givin one neither.
As fer as the country vs. the government: One of the major differences I see these days vs. revolutionary war & civil war times is that nowadays...the people aint really fightin fer one single thing.

Now dont git me wrong, in both of those wars there were underlyin reasons and beliefs that wont necessarily the most noted in the history books. My g-g-g-g grandpa's (5 of em) who were in the rev war wrote often about the rights of scot presbytarians (hence the rednecks) and the whiskey tax just as much as becomin a seperate nation. But then again, they all fought fer independence in some form er another.

These days, there are so many colors, creeds, nationalities and lifestyles..and we done spent so many years livin that way....that this country could never unite under one banner like the Confederates or the Union.

So one day...here come the bombs from whoever all over the US, and you can bet yer baccy pouch that while there's all this crap goin on...half of us are gonna be pickin up our rifles and headin fer the front lines...and the other half are gonna dodgin bombs with their friggin picket signs in protest of the war.
That is a weak point..and it's a sad one to see.
We will always be at odds with our government and they with us. Meanwhile, it seems that common sense has went out with high button shoes and the country is filled with citizens afflicted with excessive gooberism. Most feel no loyalty to their country whatsoever.

As fer as states' rights go..they been nibblin away at that since 1865. And no ma'am deerqueen..dont mean nuthin bout no big brother...this is the very kinda thing that fueled the fire that shot the first cannon at fort sumpter.

The best thing I can do as the average citizen is vote, make my voice heard when I can, and my family will be ready if we are ever called to arms. As my great-great grampa said in 1861 in his journal talkin bout the "invaders" as they called em..."They'll play all hell if they try to git down the valley cause we'll be a waitin fer em."
I'm right with ya grampa...dam straight.

Edit: after re-readin my post...the invaders aint the government ner another state like he meant it..but another country who comes over here tryin to whoop us..lol

10-29-2006, 08:12 PM
Thats what makes chocolate and vanilla now doesnt it?????

"People are frightened by the violent events and demand restoration of Law and Order. They are relieved when martial law is declared. They are happy to see the "International Guard patrolling their neighborhoods. The are not resentful of being confined to their homes or arbitrarily detained by soldiers. They are actually grateful for the omni-presence of the police state".

I look at his actions one way, you look at it another, at least we still have that right! Today anyway...

Andy L
10-29-2006, 10:03 PM
Someone stated above everyone please vote. Well, who we gonna vote for? I know in two weeks Im going to vote for the conservatives in the congress and senate. We cant cut and run and I cant stand the though of liberals getting control.

Who do we vote for in two years? It will be more of the same if the conservatives win and worse if liberals win. Third parties cant win.

Tell me who to vote for that will make it better, and I will. In the mean time, Im continuing to look for a small tract of land in the desert and take all my silly essentials with me.

10-30-2006, 12:28 AM
Someone ocne said there are three political boxes. 1. the Soap box. 2. the ballot box. 3. the bullet box. I wonder which box is it gonna be? :(
Paul B.

10-30-2006, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by PJgunner
Someone ocne said there are three political boxes. 1. the Soap box. 2. the ballot box. 3. the bullet box. I wonder which box is it gonna be? :(
Paul B.

well, in America, everyone is on the soap box. Many of the folks pontificating don't have a clue as to what is really going on, but they sure talk. Hardly anyone votes. The mid term in a few days, despite all the stridency, probably won't pull more than 35% of the voters.
The bullet box, well, thats another story. We are not there yet, but I don't discount the possibility altogether.

11-04-2006, 03:36 PM
After reading all the posts here I've come to the conclusion, that the terrorists have accomplished what terror is suposed to accomplish! The purpose is to destroy your unity, and turn you against your own people.

The idea of terrorist action is to make it so hard to find the offenders, in a country that doesn't allow a sensible ethnic profiling, that laws have to be changed to allow the different law bodies to use extrodenary methods to be competive with the NO UNIFORM, NO COUNTRY, NO LEGITAMATE ARMY, terrorists, that have only one thing that sets them apart from everyone else, the fact that they are generally between the ages of 17 yrs, and 35 years, and of middle Eastern origin, a difference that can only be effectively combated with profiling.

The effect of the measures needed to combat these murderous criminals, place the public against their own government, further impeading the rooting out of these sorry bastards, and the talk, in forums like these, is a real resource, for the terrorists to guage their effectiveness!

Terrorists are not soldiers, who are bound by the Geneva convention, but sick bastards who love beheading people on TV, and they are crininals, and murderous bastards, who are bent on KILLING every person on Earth,man, woman, and child, who is not a lock step RADICAL MUSLIM. Being a MUSLIM doesn't mean you are automaticlly a terrorist, but being a terrorist, in this case, does mean you are a automaticlly a MUSLIM. A couple of sick-os like BIN LUNATIC, are the problem, not the religeon, but the outcome is percipatated by those who empeed the efforts to fight these bastards!

This is like two people playing a game of Chess, with one side haveing to play by a set of known rules, and the other side makeing up the rules they play by as they go! Which side do you think is going to win?

Folks there comes a time when you must decide if you are on the side of murderers, or your own kind, and start helping find these rotton bastards, instead of whineing about being a little inconvienced, by security measures!:mad:

Just a thought, that I realize will not be popular with pacifists, but that is my OPINION! :(

11-04-2006, 06:04 PM
Go MAC GO ...by the way I dont think anyone here would report that post the moderator.....:p ;)

Rocky Raab
11-04-2006, 09:51 PM
This IS the moderator. Go Mac Go.

I've long said (after seeing what the non-Geneva NVA did to my brothers in the Hanoi Hilton) that the US should make a global announcement:

We will henceforth play by your rules.

You play fair: we play fair. You torture: we torture. You kill other people's women and children:...

But we'll play with our ball. And God help you, because we will not.

11-05-2006, 07:53 AM
I said it once and I'll say it again...they'll play hell gittin down the valley cause we'll be a waitin fer em.