View Full Version : Finally... success

10-30-2006, 06:38 PM
Decided to give up on the spot I've been hunting and try some new state land yesterday afternoon. Guess it was a good decision!:D
I had only scouted the land by computer maps, but after talking to the DNR was told good deer concentration throughout. So off I went.
I got out about 1:00 pm, and slowly worked my way into the area. The area was fairly thick in cover, but lots of sign. I found an area that had several trails crossing, with a few shooting lanes. Long story short, at 4:20 two does came in with a tall spike following. I planned on taking the doe but a shot never materialized, and my mouth was already watering for some of that venison. Ended up taking the buck at just under 30 yards. Took out a lung and he piled up within a hundred yards. The best part was taking my son back to help track it and field dress it.

How is everybody else doing so far?

10-31-2006, 12:41 AM
Waidmannsheil LoneWolf, mighty fine day to be out in the woods!! I won't make it back for Michigan whitetails this year, but I shore do miss it. I've had a good year over here, our buck season is already closed, but I did manage to shoot four bucks, Dom.

10-31-2006, 06:55 AM
Good shooting man! Congratulations! I haven't shot anything personally yet, but the rut looms ahead.;) I've also set up a couple of my brothers on does, so we've got some fresh venison too.


11-24-2006, 05:36 PM
congrats lonewolf

11-24-2006, 08:01 PM

11-27-2006, 07:36 AM
Good Job and I have had one thing after another this season and nothing in the freezer yet. I ordered a new bow and it is in the Post Office ready for me this AM. Guess I will upgrade from my old Jennings T and see if that helps lol