View Full Version : Guess where he ends up

10-30-2006, 07:38 PM
so tonight, after putting 7 striaght hours in the stand today. a buck walked under my stand with half an hour of day light left so being that i have been doing this for 8 years with out a buck by arrow i let it fly when he cleared my shooting lane
Now he was quartering away slightly had the near side leg up in the air like a spaniel does on a quail, the arrow was about 3 inches up of the shoulder joint far enough back that it sunk up to the feathers, must have smashed the other leg because when i hit all the wieght on that side he went straight down. i figured that was that, he got up half way, falling every 10 steps by the time i could nock another arrow he was out of sight, it was getting dark fast , i could here him thrashing for another 3 mins at least. didnt push into the dark, where he went down lots of blood, than pin pricks, where he would fall another puddle, like this for 20 yds, i quit because i cant lose another deer, no sound when the hit was made but im positive i smashed the other shoulder actually thinking to far forward for both lungs too high for heart, not crazy knowing it was a shockwave expandable. firt try with an expander, but damn it was accurate
give me your input i will report by 3pm tomorrow

10-30-2006, 07:50 PM
It sounds like you hit him pretty good KT. I know the feeling of losing a deer and when the blood starts trickling, my heart and mind get queazy too. Did you still have a decent blood trail when you let up on him?
You will probably only get blood from one side of him with that hit, so make sure to watch on plants and limbs at about the height you hit him at also.
I would think if you let him set for a couple of hours, you would be fine going back out tonite yet to look for him. Around my area, coyotes are a concern, so I don't like letting them go over night unless I'm really unsure of the hit. Yours sounds good, so I'm hoping for the best for you.
Let us know how it goes.

10-31-2006, 07:47 PM
sorry i know i said i would report back by three long day with little sleep so i had to make it to work, so here i sit, wish i had good news. being that i had no frost i could follow the blood no problem, i reached a point about 150 yds from where i hit him and ran out of blood, he made it to a huge cut winter wheat field and was no where to be found, never came across the arrow either. went straight up hill. that will be all the expandable shooting i do i think, i need that low off side exit wound, blood would have tripled. only 2 weeks left, might just hang it up till rifle season. sorry i dont have better knews or skills with a bow

11-01-2006, 05:56 PM
Darn, really sorry to hear that KT.
I would have thought you'd have found him from the description of the shot. Any chance someone else found him and got him out of the woods on you?
Keep your head up, things will work out for you. As for your doubts in expandables, I've never hit a deer with one to say for sure. But my experience is if you have doubt, go with your gut.
Good luck for the rest of the season bud;)

11-01-2006, 06:08 PM
I second the saying about doubt. However, I've had great results this year using expandables. Minus the one shot where I hit the deer square in the shoulder I have yet to have any deer run more than 50yds after being hit. I posted on the deer that I lost. It was my fault. I drew too soon and couldn't hold my draw any longer. Pulled slightly on the shot and barely hit a twig and the rest is history. I've been shooting the 100gr 3 blade 1 1/4" shockwaves. I've taken 3 deer with them so far. There are alot of good broadheads out there. These are by no means the only ones, or maybe even the best ones, but I like them. For deer anyway. If I were to hunt elk or something like that I may change to something else, but I would probably change other things as well. Good luck the rest of your season. Dont get discouraged!

11-01-2006, 09:55 PM
my biggest thing is to think in this warm weather, perfectly good meat is stinkin up the woods some where, but every one keeps telling me in nature nothin is wasted. judging by 3 other deer freinds have killed i have switched to crimson talon 100's, the in and out holes are rediculous. will report on there performance , thanks guys, i do believe i shall make sure they are close the rest of the year 20 yds or less

11-02-2006, 09:52 AM
I've never shot expandles KT but after seeing a wicked looking hole in a deer last season that was taken with the Crimson head, if I do ever make the switch from fixed broadheads, I will first be experimenting with the Crimson Talons for sure.

The deer looked like it was shot with an elephant gun!

11-28-2006, 11:17 PM
interesting, yesterday was the first day of our rifle season, i sat from 5 AM till 4:30 pm. didnt see a damn thing until 4:15 a line of does filed out of this private property. all were small or button bucks 9 in all. with a full freezer i let them walk despite wanting to shoot after 9 hours in a damn tree. the last deer out was a one horn exactly like the deer in the beginning of this tale. he walked fine but he was not the 9 or the 8 point i saw toward the end of archery so i let him wonder down to my friend who readily gave him a core-lokt 270 in the neck. so i came down and said what did you get, when he told me it would look familiar i knew it was the deer. sure enough it had a pussing wound on the shoulder but he looked good. when we skinned him all was well, when we cut the should off the rib cage was black and the smell cleared the garage of all human life, i had indeed hit too high, the deer was in sad shape. our local warden issued my friend a new buck tag. sad story comes to an end