View Full Version : Brand, Model choice...

Big joe
11-01-2006, 05:54 PM
I've become real interested in a serious air gun. You all who know about these guns can maybe help me decide on a purchase.

I want a rifle that will give me at least 1000 fps with 177 cal. I want to acheive that with only "one pump".I want something with good to great accuracy and finally... I don't want to break the bank! Also I need to know if a rimfire scope is ok on it or do I need a special scope for an airgun...

Any info you can give me on brands and models to consider would be greatly appreciated!!!


11-03-2006, 07:09 AM
Beeman R9 is tough to beat for what you seem to be looking for.
As far as a scope I'd check out Straightshooters.com
That sight has a wealth of info.

11-12-2006, 07:22 AM
Two votes for the R 9. And I shoot three RWS' My buddy boutht one and I am duly impressed.