View Full Version : Shot Skeet for First Time

11-02-2006, 12:01 PM
Went out to a skeet range with a shooting buddy last week. He insisted that skeet would be a better tune up for quail than clays. Ok, so I took my 28ga Superlight 1970 vintage Citori. Shot a 23/25 and it was fun outing, as is just about any kind of shooting to me.

You skeet shooters have a good game. It is a lot faster to shoot than clays for sure.

I think I like the 100 birds on the 12 stand sporting clays range a bit better than skeet. I like the variety of birds in clays. So this week it is back to the clays range. But, who knows, I might start a second scattergun sport, besides, I have these three short barrel OU guns just whining and crying in the safe, due to my neglecting them. :D

11-02-2006, 01:42 PM
I prefer any type of clays shooting over any other shooting other than hunting. However, I prefer them in the following order:

1. Sporting clays
2. 5 stand
3. Skeet
4. Trap

What is funny is that I initially started shooting trap because that it what my father liked. After that, I tried skeet, then I tried 5 stand, and then I tried sporting clays. I guess it is good that as I tried new games I liked them better than the ones I had been shooting. Now, I usually shoot sporting clays when I go to the range. Every once in a while I shoot skeet and I cannot remember the last time I shot trap.

11-02-2006, 02:12 PM
Proobably in a couple of weeks I will put together a quail shoot. The fellow we shoot with just opened his preserve / pen raised shoots yesterday. They will go till Feb. Then in a month or so I am supposed to go to a pigeon shoot. In the meantime I will shoot the clays, unless I get a wild hair and drop by the skeet range again.

I shot steel and chased the wizard for 25 plus years and now I just go to the range and shoot, and a different game, no fuss no muss.