View Full Version : Looking For Hornady 120gr. Sssp Bullets

11-03-2006, 11:14 PM
Does any one know where I can get the 120gr. single shot pistol bullet Hornady used to make. I have looked several places online and they have the 120 gr. spitzer Pro-Hunter from Sierra and Hornady has the 120 gr. V-MAX, but would like to try the sssp. I'm shooting a 7-30 Waters Contender and these bullets were made for the lower velocities in pistols.

Any help would be appreciated.
Benny Moses


Ridge Runner
11-26-2006, 08:00 PM
moose, I shot some of these in a 7mm JDJ, (just a tad faster than your 7/30) they are way to thin jacketed for deer. I shot 1 deer with them, a buck at about 40 yds, he was bloodshot from hams to shoulders. I went to the 120 gr ballistic tip and never looked back. it works perfectly, like a controlled expansion bullet at the slower velocities of specialty pistols.

11-28-2006, 09:40 AM
Thanks Ridge Runner, On 11-22-06 just shot my first deer with the 7-30 Waters contender at 75 yds. I had a 120 gr. Sierra pro hunter over IMR 4895. I shot and both deer started running. Here is where you would of had to be there to see how funny this looked. When I seen the deer start to run I started looking for another shell sorta like Barney Fife. Looked back to see where the deer were and all I seen was 4 legs kicking straight up in the air. Big 3 pointer only ran 25yds. Bullet went through 1 lung and heart came out the other side about the size of a quarter. I very pleased and would of had no trouble with a blood trail if needed.
I will never understand how these animals run with a heart exploded.

Thanks again for your reply
Benny Moses