View Full Version : WHat do youy take...

11-04-2006, 05:50 PM
What do you take with you when you go hunting deer or elk?

Thanks and good hunting, TJ

11-04-2006, 07:51 PM
A few good knives, Leatherman Supertool, at least 3 ways to make fire (with at least one of those in my pocket so I can't lose it), wool socks, a spare sweatshirt, rain gear, at least 2 MREs (one for lunch, one for just in case), snacks, sharpening stone, flashlight w/xtra batts, 550 cord, iodine tabs and a bunch of other small items I can't think of right now. Plus, my pack is a Camelbak so I have plenty of water.

11-05-2006, 05:21 PM

Here the things I carry: First of all, I have a good hunting pack rated at 2300 cu.in. A hunting manual written by Alaska Fish & Game recommends a minimum of 2000 cu.in. for all the gear one needs to carry. I've tried to get by with a smaller pack but never had adequate room for all my clothing that comes off around mid-morning (as well as other stuff). In Arizona, it isn't uncommon to see 50-degree temperature differences from daylight to noon. The pack must have a padded waist belt so that all the weight isn't carried on the shoulders.

Pack contents:

1 sheath knife, 1 folding knife
folding sharpener (diamond-type)
bone saw (Gerber's 2-blade saw works for me)
rubber gloves & wiping cloths for cleaning game
2-3 games bags
nylon cord & strap for hanging meat quarters
big plastic bag or sheet (to keep game meat clean)
license & permit-tags
Fluorescent surveyors tape (for marking trail, antlers, etc.)
flashlight & spare batteries (LED, 4-AA size)
Space blanket
Laser rangefinder
GPS (with spare batteries), compass, Maps (if needed)
Matches, lighter, fire-starter
Spare ammo for rifle or handgun
lens cleaning device (Leupold Lens Pen)
Small ensolite foam pad (for sitting on cold or wet ground)
canteen (usually 1-1/2 liters minimum)
rain jacket or poncho (optional, depending on weather)
2-way radio (if I'm hunting with partners)

Food and clothing vary greatly depending on the situation; e.g., how far I expect to roam from vehicle or base came, terrain, weather, etc.

For each hunt, I review my exhaustive list and cross off the things I won't need.

Hope this helps or gives you ideas. I'm always looking at what others carry and don't hesitate to modify my list when I find better ideas.


11-06-2006, 09:27 AM
Knife, Pistol, 50' of 800-900lb test trotline. Gun, shells, and chemlights.


11-08-2006, 09:15 PM
Here 's the gear I carry: A hunting pack with a good back support for all the gear I need to carry with a padded waist belt .

In My Pack :is 1 sheath knife, 1 folding knife Portable sharpener ,2 games bags
nylon cord & strap for hanging meat or sheet (to keep game meat clean)
license & permit-tags,Gloves
flashlight & spare batteries ,Space blanket,Binoculars,Laser range finder,
GPS (with spare batteries), , matches, fire-starter,20 rounds of ammo for rifle Plastic canteen (usually 1-1/2 liters minimum),poncho ,2-way radio (if I'm hunting with a partner)

Food and clothing vary depending on the situation; but usually will have 2 bologna sandwiches a 1 lb of Trail Mix.

Hope this helps or gives you ideas.

11-08-2006, 11:37 PM
Extra ammo, couple knives, tags, spotting scope, half gallon of water, jerky, couple candy bars, toilet paper, 50 ft. parachute cord and a can of skoal long cut wintergreen.

11-09-2006, 01:14 AM
Jonesy was the only one to remember the most important thing on a hunt. TOILET PAPER.

Besides it's intended purpose it's also great for wounds and as a fire starter.