View Full Version : Why God couldn't save the children

11-08-2006, 10:20 AM

Dear God:

Why didn't you save the school children at ?. ..

Moses Lake , Washington 2/2/96
Bethel , Alaska 2/19/97
Pearl , Mississippi 10/1/97
West Paducah , Kentucky 12/1/97
Stamp, Arkansas 12/15/97
Jonesboro , Arkansas 3/24/98
Edinboro , Pennsylvania 4/24/98
Fayetteville , Tennessee 5/19/98
Springfield , Oregon 5/21/98
Richmond , Virginia 6/15/98
Littleton , Colorado 4/20/99
Taber , Alberta , Canada 5/28/99
Conyers , Georgia 5/20/99
Deming , New Mexico 11/19/99
Fort Gibson , Oklahoma 12/6/99
Santee , California 3/ 5/01 and
El Cajon , California 3/22/01?


Concerned Student


Dear Concerned Student:

I am not allowed in schools.



How did this get started?...

Let's see,
I think it started when Madeline Murray O'Hare complained
she didn't want any prayer in our schools.

And we said, OK.

Then, someone said you better not
read the Bible in school,
the Bible that says
"thou shalt not kill,
thou shalt not steal,
and love your neighbors as yourself,"

And we said, OK...

Dr. Benjamin Spock said
we shouldn't spank our children
when they misbehaved
because their little personalities
would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem.

And we said,
an expert should know what he's talking about
so we won't spank them anymore..

Then someone said
teachers and principals better not
discipline our children when they misbehave.
And the school administrators said
no faculty member in this school
better touch a student when they misbehave
because we don't want any bad publicity,
and we surely don't want to be sued.

And we accepted their reasoning..

Then someone said,
let's let our daughters have abortions if they want,
and they won't even have to tell their parents.

And we said, that's a grand idea...

Then some wise school board member said,
since boys will be boys
and they're going to do it anyway,
let's give our sons all the condoms they want,
so they can have all the fun they desire,
and we won't have to tell their parents they got them at school.

And we said, that's another great idea...

Then some of our top elected officials said
it doesn't matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs.

And we said,
it doesn't matter what anybody, including the President,
does in private as long as we have jobs and the economy is good....

And someone else took that appreciation a step further
and published pictures of nude children
and then stepped further still by
making them available on the Internet.

And we said, everyone's entitled to free speech....

And the entertainment industry said,
let's make TV shows and movies that promote
profanity, violence and illicit sex..
And let's record music that encourages
rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes...

And we said,
it's just entertainment
and it has no adverse effect
and nobody takes it seriously anyway,
so go right ahead.

Now we're asking ourselves
why our children have no conscience,
why they don't know right from wrong,
and why it doesn't bother them to
kill strangers, classmates or even themselves.
if we thought about it long and hard enough,
we could figure it out.
I'm sure it has a great deal to do with...


11-08-2006, 03:26 PM
Great post Fabs

Kinda mirrors my feelings. Public education is in a down spiral thanks to poor teaching.

They are as phony as a $3 dollar bill.

They have this propaganda machine here "they" call "character counts." This is the same group of chicks that were overheard at a teachers convention, on the national level, saying they would have gotten under bill clintons desk.

What a bunch of buffoons. The public school system is the mother of socialism. Read that communist if you want.

Gee, two rants in one day and I haven't even taken my Pepcid yet.

Tall Shadow
11-09-2006, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by BILLY D.
Great post Fabs

Kinda mirrors my feelings. Public education is in a down spiral thanks to poor teaching.

They are as phony as a $3 dollar bill.

They have this propaganda machine here "they" call "character counts." This is the same group of chicks that were overheard at a teachers convention, on the national level, saying they would have gotten under bill clintons desk.

What a bunch of buffoons. The public school system is the mother of socialism. Read that communist if you want.

Gee, two rants in one day and I haven't even taken my Pepcid yet.

I agree 150% Guys!
Here in Michigan, the Unions, Liberals, and Our Welfare centers (Detroit, Pontiac, Flint, Grand Rapids, Etc. ) re-elected all of Our Wonderful! dem-o-rats back in to office...with very few exceptions.

Now keep in mind, these same "Leaders" have been at the helm, driving us to become 50th out of the 50 states in Unemployment, and 48th (I think) out of the 50 states in education scores. Yet we are among the top 5 (Again, if I remember correctly) in spending per child. Their answer(s) For Jobs: "Stay the Course", and "In 5 years, you'll be blown away!" For Schools:"We need More money for the schools!, and NO! testing of teachers is needed/wanted!" of course.....

In other State Idiocy, We resoundingly defeated a measure to allow dove hunting, HERE! in one of the most largely hunter oriented states in the country! EVEN after the Humane society being recorded as saying that this was just their first step toward getting a ban on ALL HUNTING!

Well thanks to all of the F**K-Tard "Elmer Fudd" hunters + the above idiots, we are all but screwed here.

The thought of another 4+ years of this $^#*(!*, is going to drive me Insane......And it's not a long drive!

Avoid Michigan for awhile guy & girls....It's going to be a bumpy ride.


11-09-2006, 12:19 PM
Yep, I am thinking about moving the hell out of here and into Virginia.

We should really think about having two countries. The Republican West and the Liberal East. Then, we can see how they do. It would be a great experiment. Of course, we would have to build a fence between the two because once the Liberal East ran out of money to give to all of its welfare supporters, those supporters would want to come into the Republican West to get jobs and/or steal. Mind you, there would be very limited handouts in the West, if any at all.

How can people not see that welfare for ones life is not a good thing? This entire issue pisses me off, and the gun issue doesn't make things any better.

M.T. Pockets
11-09-2006, 12:44 PM
Fabs, funny you should mention the line between East & West. I live on the edge of it, unfortunately just on the East side. I would say that I-29 would be the line that you describe. To be real sure you could use the Missouri River as the border.

Thought about moving a couple hundred miles west since I was a teen myself.

Makes me sad to see all the "regular" people in rural areas get dominated in state wide elections by all the city dwelling voters in their state (eg: Missouri, Michigan, New York, Minnesota...)

11-09-2006, 05:27 PM
Amen...so true!:(

Aim to maim
11-09-2006, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by fabsroman
[B] Of course, we would have to build a fence between the two because once the Liberal East ran out of money to give to all of its welfare supporters, those supporters would want to come into the Republican West to get jobs and/or steal. Mind you, there would be very limited handouts in the West, if any at all.


Apparently you've not spent much time in Houston, San Antonio, Denver, El Paso, Phoenix, Tucson, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc, etc. Handouts there are not exactly limited.

I understand the thrust of your post, but I'm afraid the divide is more a rural/urban one (among other factors) than something that fits within easy-to-draw geographical boundaries.

11-09-2006, 07:51 PM
Aim to Maim,

I wasn't trying to imply that the West has exactly what I want because California has a lot of problems with it. What I was trying to say is that the liberals should be on one half of the country and the conservatives should be on the other half. Heck, divide it north and south for all I care, but I was trying to avoid any reference to the Civil War. Another way to look at it, the conservatives could be on the East and the liberals on the West, but that might cause some serious problems with our food supply.

11-10-2006, 09:21 AM
And Houston has gotten ALOT worse since there were approximately 100000 welfare rejects from New Orleans who were evacuated to Houston and decided to stay there.

Anyway I agree on those points. As a Christian I am on the recieving end of more prejudice every day. Use to be companies would PREFERE to hire Christians because there was a certain expected level of honesty and work ethic. Now they don't want to invite religious based lawsuits within their companies. . . . Particularly since being Christian is now "bad" and being aethist or heathen is now "good" in the eyes of the PC world. . . .


Dan Morris
11-13-2006, 05:52 AM
Denvers got a LOT worse in the last 10/12 years....where it used to be self sufficient folks it is now saturated by the ultra lib and gay societies! Who picks up the tab for the freebies? The rest of us!Change is inevetable, but it hasn't been for the good.

11-30-2006, 09:32 AM
It is really interesting to see you talking about an urban/rural split in your country. It is much the same here in Canada. The more urbanized areas are much more liberal than the rural areas. I'm not just talking about city vs. country here but I think it stems from what the underlying economic base is. If it is more resource related it seems that the attitudes are different than if they are more financial related (if you get what I mean). It seems that we need to find a solution to these diferences in both of our countries in order to be able to face the outside issues that will be coming our way

Tall Shadow
11-30-2006, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by scalerman
It is really interesting to see you talking about an urban/rural split in your country. It is much the same here in Canada. The more urbanized areas are much more liberal than the rural areas. I'm not just talking about city vs. country here but I think it stems from what the underlying economic base is. If it is more resource related it seems that the attitudes are different than if they are more financial related (if you get what I mean). It seems that we need to find a solution to these diferences in both of our countries in order to be able to face the outside issues that will be coming our way

I hear you scalerman!

I think a great deal of the basis of this ->Divide<- between the "City" and "Country" dwellers (And/Or those who think like each of them), is the difference between those who >Choose< to "see" life's realities (Country)....And those who >Choose< Not to (City).

While I was born, raised, and continue to live in the "City". I have no delusions about what the Real world is really like. Unfortunately, I tend to be VERY "alone" in my line of thinking in todays suburban habitat. I see the "Sheep" running headlong into the abyss......and I must try to save those that I can.....Those that I can get to see reason....

And I have many, many relatives in Canada.....some on both sides of the debate.....
And there just isn't going to be enough time to save everyone......

Tall Shadow

12-04-2006, 08:15 PM
Fabs I have watched this thread and I can tell you what I have learned....I watch sexual abuse of women, boys, girls and old people...you know thats what I do on the biggest part of my days...I am watching parenting going down the sewer because of poverty and cultures from third and fourth worlds that is infiltrating our society....But what is surprising I am watching Parenting going down the drain from 2 parents working and trying to keep up with the 500,000 party. Our children are dying from it....ya wanna know what I think? Teach your kids to hunt...they wont become prey that way.....talk to your kids about personal boundaries between two human beings, they wont become rape victims...and for those out their with sons...teach your children that mothers are precious and should be respected and admired....then women wont be hurt so much....There has never been a succesfull society that didnt revere their women....thats why the Muslims wont last.....teach your children to love and cherish their women.......I promise you, we wont be asking this question a hundred years from now...