View Full Version : good luck

11-09-2006, 08:24 PM
I am heading to k.y in the morn to hunt i dont know if i will be back before gun seasen is open if not i hope every one has a good opening day and kills a big one.
Please post how you did i like to hear how ever one did and what they got.

11-10-2006, 07:36 AM
Good luck to you and everyoen else Wrenchman!
I'm headed out thsi afternoon myself for the weekend. Taking my son and we are going to set up stands and scout a little more for gun opener. I'll bowhunt a little too:)
Then Tues night it's back up north for the rest of the week for gun season.

11-17-2006, 06:10 PM
well i got back frome k.y i didnt kill a buck so now i am going to head out in the morn and try to get a doe

11-18-2006, 08:44 PM
All i can say is dead deer i put it on the ground at 4:45pm.
It was a dead morn nothing moved we went out did a couple deer drives put up couple of deer none were bucks and offered no shots.
We had lunch figured out were we were going to hunt while walking to my stand i found a doe bedded down in the corn while trying to get closer i got busted.
I got to the stand around 2 pm around 3:30 a small deer stepped out i watched it for a while till it stepped back into the woods about 4:30 two deer stepped out frome the woods while glassing them i noticed one was a nice doe i put the glass down and picked up the 870 put the cross hair on it and squeezed the triger and domped it where it stood.
I can say it feals good to know there will be no tracking