View Full Version : cold weather camp hearty rice.

11-16-2006, 08:55 AM
Have done this a few times. You use 2 cups of water per cup of rice (for those that dont know) Then chop or sliver or shave several sticks of a good home made jerky (The kind that is about as thick as your finger) into the water while it is boiling. Makes a good rice that will fill you pretty good when you are cold and hungry.


11-16-2006, 12:45 PM
Hey GOB..when was the last time y'all saw cold down there?? Sheesh! Got all the way down to 45 and you were shiverin'!! While you are makin that stuff add a little of that dry taco sauce powder to it and a little garlic salt..and some(bout half a stick) butter. Makes it all come out a little better. Some chopped onion right at the beginning too. Oh hell...let's just make some Red Beans and Rice man!!. I use ta make up some chili and add that rice stuff to it to make a real stick to ya ribs cold weather fare :D :D

11-16-2006, 03:16 PM
I will have ya know it got down to 38 here the other night. . . . dunno how eskimos live in this stuff. . . .

Yeah BUT I was thinking cheap and easy in a bad sitchiation.

If ya really wanna do it up right ya need one cup of white rice, one cup o saffron rice, a teblespoon o garlic, a bit o onion, some salt, grind the pepper in it once, a little cayenne, some whochester sauce, a dash o soy sauce, a hair o cumin, a stick o butter, some chili powder, the jerky, and about six strands of sgetti noodles broke up into 1/4 inch or smaller chunks. . . .

Ya eat it wil some o dis

2 cans o black beans
1 can whole kernel corn
1/4 large onion chopped (Red makes it REAL fine)
a nudder teblespoon o garlic
a bit o cayenne pepper
a little cummin
a bottle o yeller beer (in substitue o water)
fix or six slices of bacon chopped up (I like it with the rhine on it better)

cook until it is in a THICK gravy.

Now when dat is all done plate up a heap o rice, trow da black bean stuff on top o de rice, Dash wish six er eight good jiggas o Franks redhot or Chalula and eat wit a whole pack o premium crackers!

Goes good with a smoked link o beaudan! (spelt boudin fer you yankees down here we spelt it like we says it)

But remember ya add da boudin ya purty much gotta have it wit beer or sweet tea at dat point. And no I don't mean no splenda eatin, sweet an low drinkin chemical spill! NAW I mean good other southern sweet tea, heavy on da cane sugar!



11-16-2006, 03:24 PM
I jus gotta add dis.

Now I'm Hongry!


11-16-2006, 07:11 PM
Yep..me too now. ...ony thing I gotta ast...is what is dis cummin stuff. Sounds lik somea dat frog frenchy crap.:D :confused:

11-17-2006, 08:55 AM
Naw! Dat aint no frog frenchy! Dat da East Texas coonass right der!
