View Full Version : hot dog.

11-21-2006, 06:56 PM
ive just gone cracy calling coyotes. i picked up the primos hotdog howler, kiyi, tweety and taly ho.

it took me about a week to get good on the howler. im now bargain and howling like crazy.

just this last sunday i called in 5 dogs at ounce but only dumped on. the week end before i called in pair and dumped one. then the few weekends before that i called in pair and get em both.

im completly bitn by this bug and cant get enough caln and coyte get in. in the spare time after work im watchn all the hunting vid i can get my hands on.

im also gona give the hotdog a prop here. ive got dogs to come in when there hung up or when they just dont seem to have any intrest in the distress. the ki yi also works great, i can wine howl and distress on it all with the bell removed i can also make rabbit distress with no hands when bite down with call at the corner of my mout. this leaves both hands free to shoot.

anyways i just thought id let you guys know. and man the season has only started.

11-21-2006, 07:44 PM
Where are you hunting? A friend has been going out to Bruneau Canyon and they're bustin dogs every weekend

11-22-2006, 08:57 AM
I need you back here Evan. A friend on mine came down to coon hunt last nite and we got ran out of the farm I live on here. When we turned the dog loose he struck a coon and a pack of youts started yapping within 100 yrds. of us and they were not leaveing. The corn is still on in the field they were in so we could not see them, but they were close. Sooner than let the dog get tangled up with a pack we caught him and quite. As soon as the renters get the corn off I`ll be sitting down there with my rifle, probibly the .257 AI, but the first week in Dec. I`m supposed to get my .22-6mm and as soon as I can work up a load for it I`ll be able to really reach out and touch them. :D Keep busting them and maybe some day I`ll be able to make it back out there for another hunt.

11-24-2006, 06:39 PM

ive been hunting in the king hill bliss area.


that 22/6mm should wack em out there aways.

what kinda velocities are you gano push and what weight bullets. is there an advantage the 22cal over the 6mm. id figure with the 226mm youd be just under 4100 with 55s

11-24-2006, 07:58 PM
I'm afflicted with that same bug for calling yodi's. I'd rather hunt yodi's than deer. This has been our best year yet, I guess I'm getting better. We''ve called in 6 dogs and killed 4 of them so far this year. We got a pair in one spot even after I shot the first dog the second one still came in to the call 2-3 minutes later. We got caught standing in a picked bean field next to a fence. Once #2 got to 100 yards he thought something didn't look right and turned to run away, he didn't make it! There's nothing like a dog coming in on you at close range looking for something to eat.

11-24-2006, 08:26 PM
I`m setting it up for 80 gr. bullets. It should push them to 3,500 fps. The bit advantage to it is that it will have 1/2 of the wind drift of a .22-250 with 55 gr. bullets. Abt. 15 in. vs. just over 30 in. at 500 yrds. with a 10 mph. cross wind. That really cuts down on the guess part of those long shot, if you carry a lazer range finder and carry an moa chart.

11-25-2006, 11:58 AM
cooooooool thatl be one coooool verminater.