View Full Version : Tinemy Trigger for Vangruad

11-23-2006, 02:22 PM
I was wondering how hard these are to install In a WHBY Vangruad ? has a Bell and carlson Stock on it. Any help or advice would be great guys thanks.


I hope it drops right in with not much alterations to be done.

11-24-2006, 12:10 AM
Welcome to HC JohnS. I do believe it will drop right in. I haven't installed any on a Wby, but have put them in Sako's. You should have no trouble at all. The most you should have to do is a little selective carving with a dremel for the safety to slide freely.

BTW, a mighty fine trigger, good choice!! Waidmannsheil, Dom.

Mil Dot
11-24-2006, 05:06 AM
I'll let you know as soon as the trigger arrives. I ordered one for my 7 Mag on the 21st. You'll have to phone in the order as there web site won't accept any credit card orders. They're on Arizona time which is mst this time of year.

11-24-2006, 09:50 AM
Thanks Dom and the nice welcome, well it should be here today x's fingers it is, I'll keep you guys posted, on how it goes.:)

Mil-Dot I orderd mine from a Gunsmith In Manitoba and he ordered it from the states took about 3 weeks but its going to be good when I get it installed. let me know how you make out with your trigger.

JohnS thansk for the help guys.!

Oh ya what LB pull are they set at when they are made, it says: 2-4 lbs ... just wondering what the Factory sets them at? 3lbs maybe

Mil Dot
11-24-2006, 09:41 PM
Arrived today! I got it with a Tootsie Pop sucker included and a prayer card. Had it installed and adjusted to 2 lbs. before I could even unwrap the sucker! Man it sure has a nice crisp break and I can't wait to hit the range ... hopefully sometime next week. I'm not quite sure what to make of the prayer card being shipped with a trigger ... for me or whatever is downrange ... hmmm.

Pretty spectacular service, ordered on 17th, card transaction showed on 21st and arrived 23rd over a weekend and major holiday.

Mil Dot

11-24-2006, 10:36 PM
Excellent!:D I hope mine goes in that easy too!! let us know how ya make out at the range shooting.. pic's too:cool:

12-07-2006, 09:40 PM
Just be sure the safety will travel the full distance back and front. The ones I have installed the safety arm has hit the cross bracing down in the web of the stock.

Enjoy your trigger and vanguard...I love em!!

12-07-2006, 10:00 PM
Thanks ... I sent my rifle off to a gunsmith to get fitted with a new Semi-fancy Maple Thumbhole stock with rosewood grip cap and forend. Beded action free floated pillar beded also and the tinemy trigger to a crisp 2 1/2 # can't wait the 3 months he said it will take. But I'll get it back just in time for bear season. woohooo!

The rifle is topped off with a 3x9x40mm King optics scope with Butler creek flipup caps and a harris Bi-pod with butler creek sling.

I'll post a few pictures when I get back from the gunsmith. Or if He sends pic's as he goes along I'll post them up if I can.


Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year!