View Full Version : Casting: all one needs is a tractor shed and a haywagon.

Adam Helmer
11-25-2006, 05:12 PM
We are having Indian Summer here in northcentral PA and it was 58 degrees and sunny when I decided to cast up my Winter supply of projectiles. The problem was a strong South wind that affected the Coleman stove and pot on the front yard picnic table. I looked around and saw the 3-bay tractor shed nearby with a hay wagon in the middle bay that was a perfect casting site out of the wind. The tractor shed faces East, so all went well.

I casted up 25 pounds of projectiles of various calibers. After 18 years on this farm, it finally occured to me that I can cast in the tractor shed when it is raining. So much to recommend the country life. I suppose everyone should have a farm and tractor shed and a hay wagon.


12-04-2006, 07:58 PM
Adam, does this mean you've finally learned to come in out of the rain?;)
Sorry, couldn't resist

Adam Helmer
12-05-2006, 10:56 AM

Yes, this does mean I finally learned to come in out of the rain. LOL. Especially when I plan to do some casting.

Be well.


12-06-2006, 09:46 PM
Tried casting for the first time over and open fire just to see if I could do it.The old ways sure where slow and really took some skill to get the coals just right.Just proved to myself I could do it if I HAD to.But it was fun.