View Full Version : Hunt swaps

11-27-2006, 01:40 PM
I used to come to this site a lot but have been away from it for about 5 years. Did this site used to have a forum for swappig hunts with other hunters. If so why not now? If not , is it something of interest?
I had one bad experience with a hunt swap. The other hunter was being square with but upon further investigation, his info was heavy on the marketing and light on fact.
Other times I have swapped hunts or info and have had very good luck.

Rocky Raab
11-27-2006, 02:27 PM
Welcome back, Wizard.

We do, and here it is!

11-27-2006, 02:46 PM
Howdy Rocky ! My daughter went to college in St George, Utah for a year and then went to Cedar City for another year before coming home to Wis. I used to call on the facilities manager for Zion and Brice National Parks. He is a big lion hunter. He has the dogs and takes clients out in the mountains east of Cedar City. My daughter still has lots of friends in Utah. People I have met there are very friendly. Then again I tend to reach out to folks a little more than the average bear and therefore get to know more people than the average bear.